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Eurasian Water Milfoil

Eurasian milfoil first arrived in Wisconsin in the 1960's. During the 1980's, it began to move from southern Wisconsin to lakes and waterways in the northern half of the state. This migration took place mainly by boaters not removing fragments from their boats as they went from lake to lake. In Minong Wisconsin. the milfoil increase has happened over the last 10 years or so. Today, many lakes in the region are trying many ways to eliminate this nonnative invasive species.

Eurasian Water Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)


 Eurasian water milfoil is a submersed aquatic plant native to Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. It is the only non-native milfoil in Wisconsin. Like most of the native milfoils, the Eurasian variety has slender stems whorled by submersed feathery leaves. The stems of Eurasian water milfoil tend to be limp, and may show a pinkish-red color. The 4-petaled, pink flowers of Eurasian water milfoil are located on a spike that rises a few inches out of the water. The leaves are typically divided into 12 or more pairs of threadlike leaflets. The most common native water milfoils tend to have whitish or brownish stems, and leaves that divide into fewer than 10 pairs of leaflets. Coontail is often mistaken for the milfoils, but its leaves are not feathery, but rather branch once or twice with several small teeth along the leaves. Bladderworts can also be mistaken for Eurasian watermilfoil, but they are easily distinguished by the presence of many small bladders on the leaves, which serve to trap and digest small aquatic insects.



 Eurasian milfoil first arrived in Wisconsin in the 1960's. During the 1980's, it began to move from several counties in southern Wisconsin to lakes and waterways in the northern half of the state. As of 1993, Eurasian milfoil was common in 39 Wisconsin counties (54%) and at least 75 of its lakes, including shallow bays in Lakes Michigan and Superior and Mississippi River pools.
Eurasian water milfoil grows best in fertile, fine-textured, inorganic sediments. In less productive lakes, it is restricted to areas of nutrient-rich sediments. It has a history of becoming dominant in eutrophic, nutrient-rich lakes, although this pattern is not universal. It is an opportunistic species that prefers highly disturbed lake beds, lakes receiving nitrogen and phosphorous-laden runoff, and heavily used lakes. Optimal growth occurs in alkaline systems with a high concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon. High water temperatures promote multiple periods of flowering and fragmentation.


Unlike many other plants, Eurasian water milfoil does not rely on seed for reproduction. Its seeds germinate poorly under natural conditions. It reproduces vegetatively by fragmentation, allowing it to disperse over long distances. The plant produces fragments after fruiting once or twice during the summer. These shoots may then be carried downstream by water currents or inadvertently picked up by boaters. Milfoil is readily dispersed by boats, motors, trailers, bilges, live wells, or bait buckets, and can stay alive for weeks if kept moist.
Once established in an aquatic community, milfoil reproduces from shoot fragments and stolons (runners that creep along the lake bed). As an opportunistic species, Eurasian water milfoil is adapted for rapid growth early in spring. Stolons, lower stems, and roots persist over winter and store the carbohydrates that help milfoil claim the water column early in spring, photosynthesize, divide, and form a dense leaf canopy that shades out native aquatic plants. Its ability to spread rapidly by fragmentation and effectively block out sunlight needed for native plant growth often results in monotypic stands. Monotypic stands of Eurasian milfoil provide only a single habitat, and threaten the integrity of aquatic communities in a number of ways; for example, dense stands disrupt predator-prey relationships by fencing out larger fish, and reducing the number of nutrient-rich native plants available for waterfowl.
Dense stands of Eurasian water milfoil also inhibit recreational uses like swimming, boating, and fishing. Some stands have been dense enough to obstruct industrial and power generation water intakes. The visual impact that greets the lake user on milfoil-dominated lakes is the flat yellow-green of matted vegetation, often prompting the perception that the lake is "infested" or "dead". Cycling of nutrients from sediments to the water column by Eurasian water milfoil may lead to deteriorating water quality and algae blooms of infested lakes.


Preventing a milfoil invasion involves various efforts. Public awareness of the necessity to remove weed fragments at boat landings, a commitment to protect native plant beds from speed boaters and indiscriminate plant control that disturbs these beds, and a watershed management program to keep nutrients from reaching lakes and stimulating milfoil colonies--all are necessary to prevent the spread of milfoil.

Monitoring and prevention are the most important steps for keeping Eurasian water milfoil under control. A sound precautionary measure is to check all equipment used in infested waters and remove all aquatic vegetation upon leaving the lake or river. All equipment, including boats, motors, trailers, and fishing/diving equipment, should be free of aquatic plants.
Lake managers and lakeshore owners should check for new colonies and control them before they spread. The plants can be hand pulled or raked. It is imperative that all fragments be removed from the water and the shore. Plant fragments can be used in upland areas as a garden mulch.

DNR permits are required for chemical treatments, bottom screening, buoy/barrier placement, and mechanized removal.

Mechanical Control:

 Mechanical cutters and harvesters are a common method for controlling Eurasian water milfoil in Wisconsin. While harvesting may clear out beaches and boat landings by breaking up the milfoil canopy, the method is not selective, removing beneficial aquatic vegetation as well. These machines also create shoot fragments, which contributes to milfoil dispersal. Harvesting should be used only after colonies have become widespread, and harvesters should be used offshore where they have room to turn around. Hand cutters work best inshore, where they complement hand pulling and bottom screening. A diver-operated suction dredge can be used to vacuum up weeds, but the technique can destroy nearby native plants and temporarily raise water turbidity.

Hand pulling is the preferred control method for colonies of under 0.75 acres or fewer than 100 plants. The process can be highly effective at selectively removing Eurasian water milfoil if done carefully; special care must be taken to collect all roots and plant fragments during removal. Hand pulling is a time-consuming process.
Bottom screening can be used for small-scale and localized infestations on sites with little boat traffic, but will kill native vegetation as well. The bottom screens are anchored firmly against the lake bed to kill grown shoots and prevent new sprouts, but screens must be removed each fall to clean off sediment that encourages rooting. Buoys can mark identified colonies and warn boaters to stay away. Bottom screens may exacerbate a milfoil population once removed, because Eurasian water milfoil will readily re-colonize the bare sediment.
Whenever possible, milfoil control sites should become customized management zones. For example, milfoil removal by harvesting can be followed by planting native plants to stabilize sediments against wave action, build nurseries for fry, attract waterfowl, and compete against new milfoil invasions.

Chemical Control:

 Herbicide treatments are commonly used to control Eurasian water milfoil. While no herbicide treatment is completely selective for milfoil, timing treatment early in the spring as soon as water warms helps limit unintentional harm to native plants. Herbicide treatments are most effective combined with vigilant post-treatment monitoring and non-chemical controls such as hand-pulling milfoil as it returns. When used carelessly, chemical treatments can be disruptive to aquatic ecosystems, not selective in the vegetation affected, and can cause more harm than good.

Biological Control:

 Eurhychiopsis lecontei, an herbivorous weevil native to North America, has been found to feed on Eurasian water milfoil. Adult weevils feed on the stems and leaves, and females lay their eggs on the apical meristem (top-growing tip); larvae bore into stems and cause extensive damage to plant tissue before pupating and emerging from the stem. Three generations of weevils hatch each summer, with females laying up to two eggs per day. It is believed that these insects are causing substantial decline in some milfoil populations. Because this weevil prefers Eurasian water milfoil, other native aquatic plant species, including northern water milfoil, are not at risk from the weevil's introduction. Twelve Wisconsin lakes are currently part of a two-year DNR project studying the weevil's effectiveness in curbing Eurasian water milfoil populations. The fungus Mycoleptidiscus terrestris is also under extensive research.

2011-2012 is the Year of the Bat! Now is the time to educate children regarding the essential roles of bats in maintaining healthy ecosystems and human economies has never been more important. Bats are found nearly everywhere and....
approximately 1,200 species account for almost a quarter of all mammals. Nevertheless, in recent decades their populations have declined alarmingly. Many are now endangered, though they provide invaluable services that we cannot afford to lose. 
Simply because they are active only at night and difficult to observe and understand, bats rank among our planet’s most misunderstood and intensely persecuted mammals. Those that eat insects are primary predators of the vast numbers that fly at night, including ones that cost farmers and foresters billions of dollars in losses annually. As such bats decline, demands for dangerous pesticides grow, as does the cost of growing crops like rice, corn and cotton. 
Fruit and nectar-eating bats are equally important in maintaining whole ecosystems of plant life. In fact, their seed dispersal and pollination services are crucial to the regeneration of rain forests which are the lungs and rain makers of our planet. 

Many of the plants which depend on such bats are additionally of great economic value, their products ranging from timber and tequila to fruits, spices, nuts and even natural pesticides. 
Scary media stories notwithstanding, bats are remarkably safe allies. Where I live, in Austin, Texas, 1.5 million bats live in crevices beneath a single downtown bridge. When they began moving in, public health officials warned that they were diseased and dangerous--potential attackers of humans. Yet, through Bat Conservation International, we educated people to simply not handle them, and 30 years later, not a single person has been attacked or contracted a disease. Fear has been replaced by love as these bats catch 15 metric tons of insects nightly and attract 12 million tourist dollars each summer. 
It is now well demonstrated that people and bats can share even our cities at great mutual benefit. As we will show through varied Year of the Bat activities, bats are much more than essential. They’re incredibly fascinating, delightfully likeable masters of our night skies. 

Statement by Dr. Merlin Tuttle

Honorary Ambassador
One Tree can make a difference.
As we near Earth Day 2012 it is important that 
we all realize that the planting of 1 tree can make a difference. 
Read more about How trees change our life
The information below, except where noted, was taken from the LEAF Urban Forest Lesson Guide: 
The information provided is in reference to urban forests, but these benefits and values also apply to rural forests. 
Canopy, or tree canopy, is a term used to describe the leaves and branches of a tree or group of trees. In an urban forest, tree canopy is important to the potential benefits the forest may provide. In general, the more area it covers and the denser the canopy, the more benefits the trees can provide. Although one tree is better than none, 100 are better still. Whether the benefits are from one tree or many trees, they are all still real and most can be quantified in some way. Often, forest benefits are divided into three categories: social, economic, and ecologic. It is difficult to divide the benefits that the urban forest canopy provides into these categories because so many benefits fall into more than one. 

Social Benefits 

Just as with a rural forest, an urban forest provides many benefits. Numerous studies have been done about the social 
and psychological benefits of “green” in urban environments. The findings of the studies make a strong case for the 
importance of urban forests. Urban public housing residents who lived in buildings without trees and grass nearby were 
asked about how they cope with major life issues. They reported more procrastination and assessed their issues as more 
severe than residents with green nearby. 
A study done with children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) found that children with ADD were better able to focus 
and concentrate after playing in natural, green settings, than in settings where concrete was predominant. 
Apartment buildings with high levels of greenery have been shown to have approximately half the number of crimes 
than those with little or no greenery. The results proved true for both property crimes and violent crimes. A similar study 
found that residents living in areas without nearby nature reported more aggression and violence than those living with 
nearby green. In addition to these specific studies, access to nature also provides humans with other social benefits. 
Parks and other green spaces provide a space for people to play, walk, jog, birdwatch, or just sit quietly. These activities 
are good for our physical health in a society that is increasingly sedentary. It is also good for our mental health by 
providing a place to unwind. Trees also reduce noise levels. 

Economic Benefits 

The economic benefits of urban forests are increasingly being documented. Economics often becomes the language 
used when it comes to urban forest management. Budgets of municipalities must cover an array of services, and the 
benefits of an urban ecosystem must often be proven to secure funding. In a study that considered the costs and 
benefits of municipal forests in five U.S. cities, the researchers found that for every dollar spent on trees, the benefits 
returned were worth from $1.37 to $3.09. A little math tells us this is clearly a good investment. 
Trees save money through reduced energy costs. Cities create what is referred to as a heat island. The concrete, asphalt, 
buildings, and other surfaces absorb and hold heat from the sun. During hot summer days, cities can be five to nine 
degrees warmer than surrounding areas. Shading, evapotranspiration, and wind speed reduction provided by trees help 
conserve energy in buildings. A study conducted in Minneapolis, Minnesota, showed that trees placed in the proper 
location can reduce total heating and cooling costs by eight percent. 
Homeowners not only reduce costs of heating and cooling their homes, but increase the value of their property by 
planting trees. Research suggests that property value can increase three to seven percent when trees are present. Trees 
also make homes and neighborhoods more desirable places to live. One economic benefit that urban trees can provide, 
but often don’t, is one based on products. Municipalities and tree services across the country have come up with ways 
to use the wood that is cut from an urban forest. Products range from specialty furniture, to musical instruments, to 
lumber for park shelters, to artwork. The income from selling products from the wood of trees being removed could be used to defray the cost associated with the removal, making trees an even better investment. 

Trees and Climate Change 

The information about how trees impact climate change is taken from the National Arbor Day website 
http://www.arborday.org/globalwarming/treesHelp.cfm, and the American Forest Foundation website 
Deciduous trees, planted on the west, east and south sides, will keep your house cool in the summer and let the sun 
warm your home in the winter, reducing energy use. 
Just three trees, properly placed around a house, can save up to 30% of energy use. 
Trees or shrubs planted to shade air conditioners help cool a building more efficiently, using less electricity. A unit 
operating in the shade uses as much as 10% less electricity than the same one operating in the sun. 
Neighborhoods with well-shaded streets can be up to 6–10° F cooler than neighborhoods without street trees, reducing 
the heat-island effect, and reducing energy needs. 
Shaded parking lots keep automobiles cooler, reducing emissions from fuel tanks and engines, and helping reduce the 
heat-island effect in communities. 
Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary gas causing global climate change. Trees retain the carbon (C) from the 
CO2 molecule and release oxygen (O2) into the atmosphere. The retained carbon makes up half the dry weight of a tree. 
Forests are the world's second largest carbon reservoirs (oceans are the largest). Unlike oceans, however, we can grow 
new forests. One acre of forestland will sequester between 150 - 200 tons of CO2 in its first 40 years. 

As part of the the Environmental Community here is a recent email that was sent my way to encourage Wisconsinites and educators to get involved in current Nature and Science studies. 

Greetings Environmental Educator!

I'm writing with great news for the environmental education community! 
Representative Taylor (Monona) and Senator Larson (Milwaukee) have secured over 32 co-sponsors from both legislative houses for the Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights.

Next steps and how you can help:
On January 5th, Representatives Taylor and Larson will publicly announce the bill and ask for the joint assembly to schedule a vote. With a great show of support from the EE community, we can ensure this bill's success. Here's what you can do:
1. Sign on to support! - show your support of the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights and keep up to date on the bill's progress. 
Get out your art smocks - encourage children's groups to create artwork that expresses how and why spending time outdoors is of value.
Come to the January 5th press conference at the state capitol - registration details to be announced.

To find out more about this initiative, including the official language in the bill, if your legislator is a co-sponsor, or who fellow supporters are, visit the EEinWisconsin.org website. 

Please pass along this exciting news to colleagues!

For questions or comments, please contact:

Betsy Parker
Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education - Networking & Advocacy Chair
(608) 209-2909This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jennifer Giegerich
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters - Legislative Director
(608) 661-0845This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Last summer was a very exciting summer because we got to participate in REAL SCIEN!CE Thats right in a project funded by the State of Wisconsin we raised a biological contorl thatreduces the evasive spies of Eurasion Milfoil. The milfoil weevil is a natural plant predator of some types of milfoil and has been studied by researchers as a biological control for Eurasian watermilfoil for over two decades. Weevils are commonly found the SNC lake. However, because milfoil grows so fast, natural populations of weevils cannot typically control it. Our goal was to boost the natural weevil population to sustainable levels high enough to effectively control the milfoil over the long-term.We started with 750 weevels in our 10 tanks each of which held 50gallons. We feed the weevels Milfoil during the summer and released nearly 1500 weevels. We were hoping to relaese even more but for some reason, probably a cool summer we had less breeding weevels. We will be doing the same program again in 2012 to see if we can even increase production

Mass rearing of milfoil weevils (Euhrychiopsis lecontei
by volunteers: Pilot Study 


Phase I 


Stevens Point, WI 


Biological control studies are currently underway in Wisconsin to improve the 
science of applied biological control of Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM). Many lake groups 
are eagerly awaiting the results of those studies and are interested in applying biological 
control in their lake. However, for many cash-strapped lake groups, purchasing their 
weevils outright would be cost-prohibitive. As we move forward in our understanding of 
the biological control of EWM, this mass rearing pilot study aims to move us forward in 
making milfoil weevils a more practical option for lake groups with more sweat equity 
than cash. The mass rearing method (Thorstenson 2011) is labor intensive and must 
be followed to the letter in order to maximize success. Phase I of this pilot study was 
the first year of evaluating the capability of volunteer groups to successfully produce 
weevils on a mass scale. 


Study area —Lake Holcombe (Chippewa/Rusk Co) is a 2,881-acre impoundment 
of the Chippewa River, with a maximum depth of 61 ft. Large parcels of the riparian 
properties belong to the State of Wisconsin or paper company holdings and remain in 
natural/wooded condition. The Minong Flowage (Douglas/Washburn Co) is a 1,587- 
acre impoundment of the Totagatic River, with a maximum depth of 21 feet and 
surrounding natural/wooded shoreline. Goose Lake (Adams Co) is an 84-acre seepage 
lake with a maximum depth of 22 ft and surrounding natural/wooded shoreline. 
Study Design — Weevil rearing methods were modeled after Hanson, et al. 
1995, with modifications based graduate work conducted by Amy Thorstenson at UW-


Stevens Point (Thorstenson2011). Hanson, et al. reported that an outdoor stock tank 
performed just as well their indoor, controlled 20-gal aquariums, with less management 
time invested. Thorstenson’s studies found similar results, and developed a simplified 
method for outdoor, mass rearing. 
Each lake group set-up and maintained 10, 370-L “Freeland poly-tuf stock tanks 
(79cm W x 132cm L x 63cm H), stationed in an outdoor area where full sun and access 
to a clean water supply was available. The sunniest location available was selected to 
keep the milfoil stems (food stems) healthy, but water temperatures were monitored to 
ensure they did not approach lethal temperatures (34 C / 93 F). Water temperatures 
were monitored with aquarium thermometers and recorded regularly. Fresh water was 
added as needed to top off the tanks. NoSeeUm (0.033 cm mesh) light duty fiberglass 
screening was used to cover the tanks and pools. While the primary use of the 
screening was to exclude predator/competitor insects and birds, it also functioned as 
light shade to reduce peak temperatures in the tanks during sunlight hours. 

EWM stems to be used for food were collected from the same lake that would be 
the recipient of the weevils reared. Stems were collected from the deepest milfoil beds 
available, farthest from shore, where naturally occurring weevils were less likely to be 
present, in order to avoid the inadvertent introduction of unaccounted for weevils. To 
minimize the introduction of predator or competitor insects, the collected food stems 
were laid thinly over a mesh screen and sprayed with a hose and nozzle at a pressure 
sufficient to clean the milfoil but not damage it. Cleaned stems were then be floated in a 
wading pool of clean water, sorted and untangled. Because weevils lay their eggs on 


apical meristems, only stems with apical meristems were retained for use; stems that 
had gone to flower or had broken tips were be discarded. Stems were trimmed to a 
length sufficient to reach from the base of the rearing chamber to the surface of the 
chamber’s water (62 cm). Stems were then bundled together in groups of fifteen stems, 
and attached at the base to a rock with a rubber-band to weight the stems down and 
achieve vertical orientation in the rearing chamber. All chambers received an initial 
stocking of milfoil food bundles, with stockings repeated every 21 days to keep the 
weevils supplied with actively growing milfoil (Table 1). 
Table 1 
Weevil feeding schedule. 

# of EWM 
stems to feed 
per tank 
Day 0 
Day 21 
Day 42 

The “starter batch” of weevils were purchased from EnviroScience, Inc., Ohio. 
EnviroScience Inc. provided weevil stock from northern Wisconsin, in order to ensure 
weevils with winter-hardy genetics. Each tank was stocked with 0.19 weevils/L (72 
weevils per 100-gal tank). The purchased weevils arrived as eggs and early instar 
larvae attached to bundles of milfoil stems in sealed plastic bags. The estimated 
number of weevils in each bag was written on the outside of each bag, however the 
number of weevils inside were assumed to be unevenly distributed amongst the milfoil 
stems within. Therefore, the stems were placed into a large tub of water and counted to 
derive an estimated average of weevils per stem. Stems were then selected randomly 


to accumulate the number of weevils needed to stock each rearing chamber. Thus, the 
number of weevils initially stocked to each rearing chamber was an estimated average. 

Chambers were maintained for approximately 55 days, allowing enough time for 
producing two generations. Prior to releasing the weevils to their recipient lake, 
subsamples were extracted to estimate total production. A 10% subsample of the 
weevil-containing food stems were extracted from four of the ten tanks (selected at 
random), preserved in 80% isopropyl alcohol, and refrigerated until laboratory 
examination. The preserved subsample stems was examined by Thorstenson by 
floating stems in water in a glass pan over a light table, with 3x magnification goggles. 
Each stem was carefully examined for weevil eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults and the 
total number of weevils recorded. The assistance of a higher power (30x) Carson 
MagniscopeTM was used for identification of specimens when needed. Specimen 
vouchers were preserved in sample vials in 80% isopropyl alcohol. 

Data Analysis


For the each rearing site, average return rate and total estimated 
production was estimated based on the 10% subsamples. Total estimated release (total 
production – subsamples) was also calculated. Temperature records were analysed to 
calculate min, max, mean, and 90% confidence intervals, to evaluate whether volunteers were 
maintaining optimal water temperatures. 


Goose Lake – Expected return rate was 9.6 weevils out per weevil stocked, and 
Goose Lake’s return rate was 0.6. (Table 2) 720 weevils were initially stocked to the10 

rearing tanks, and total production was estimated at 400 weevils. Lab examinations 
observed: low occurrence of miscellaneous insects; substantial mixing of hybrid milfoil, 
M. sibiricum, and M. verticillatum stems; dead or bacteria-engulfed pupa; low 
occurrence of pupation sites; and low evidence of weevil damage on non-M. spicatum
stems. Due to an acute lack of available M. spicatum in Goose Lake, M. sibiricum and 
hybrid milfoil were also collected as an optional food choice when it became necessary. 
Water temperatures were monitored but not recorded. Tank temperatures were 
moderated by adding fresh groundwater as needed. 
Minong Flowage - Expected return rate was 9.6 weevils out per weevil stocked, 
and Minong Flowage’s return rate was 1.8. (Table 3) 720 weevils were initially stocked 
to the10 rearing tanks, and total production was estimated at 1,300 weevils. Lab 
examinations observed: low occurrence of miscellaneous insects; no non-M. spicatum
mixed in; heavy weevil damage to stems in some tanks; and fused, deformed milfoil 
leaflets and hardened, opaque stems (indicative of exposure to herbicides) in some 
tanks. Tank temperatures were moderated by adding fresh groundwater as needed. 
Water temperature ranged from 60 - 80 F, with a mean of 71 F. (Table 4) These 
temperatures were similar to temperatures expected (per Thorstenson 2011), but lower 
than the temperatures optimal for weevil production. (Figure 1) 
Lake Holcombe - Expected return rate was 9.6 weevils out per weevil stocked, 
and Lake Holcombe’s return rate was 3.1. (Table 5) 720 weevils were initially stocked 
to the10 rearing tanks, and total production was estimated at 2,090 weevils. Lab 
examinations observed: low occurrence of miscellaneous insects; no non-M. spicatum
species mixed in; poor stem health; heavy weevil damage to stems in some tanks; 


limited available oviposition sites; and fewer eggs than expected. Tank temperatures 
were moderated by adding fresh groundwater as needed. Water temperature ranged 
from 70 - 90 F, with a mean of 82 F. (Table 6) These temperatures were higher than 
temperatures expected (per Thorstenson 2011), and similar to temperatures optimal for 
weevil production. (Figure 1) 


Goose Lake production was substantially lower than expected, and the optional 
feeding on non-M. spicatum species was likely the key problem. Temperatures were 
closely monitored (although not recorded), and not believed to be a problem. 
Subsample observations noted few miscellaneous insects, ruling out a predation 
problem. Subsample examinations confirmed several species of milfoil were used in 
feeding, including: M. sibiricum, hybrid milfoil (northern x M. spicatum), M. verticillatum
M. heterophyllum is also present in Goose Lake and may also have been fed, although 
subsample examinations did not confirm this. Subsample examinations noted problems 
with pupation (bacteria-laden pupa, dead pupa, few pupal chambers observed), and 
weevil damage observed on M. spicatum but not the other species that were mixed in. 
Weevil developmental time is longer, and developmental performance is poorer, on M. 
sibiricum than on their exotic host, M. spicatum (Newman et al. 1997). Research in the 
Midwest has found that weevil performance on hybrid milfoils was intermediate between 
the native hose (M. sibiricum) and the exotic host (M. spicatum) (Roley & Newman 
2006). Weevil developmental time is significantly longer when reared on M. 
verticillatum than on M. spicatum (37 days versus 21 days) (Solarz & Newman 2001). 

Additionally, oviposition (where they choose to lay their eggs) preference was 
significantly less for M. sibiricum and nearly absent for M. verticillatum in females that 
were reared on M spicatum (Solarz & Newman 2001). Weevil development on or 
preference for M. heterophyllum is unknown. Therefore, the optional feeding of other 
milfoils, although unpreventable due to an acute lack of M. spicatum in 2011, was likely 
the main factor in low production. 
Minong Flowage had lower than expected production, possibly due to a 
combination of factors. One factor may have been food stem quality. The Minong site 
was the shadiest of the three sites, and subsample examinations noted stems in very 
poor condition, some limp, as if they did not get enough sunlight. Additionally, some 
tubs had stems that were deformed (fused leaflets, tough, opaque stems) as if exposed 
to herbicides. Food stem collection was in an area of the Flowage that had not been 
treated with herbicides, but was within the same bay (Serenity Bay). (Appendix B) It 
would be possible that residual herbicides were insufficient to kill the milfoil there, but 
yet sufficient to cause growth deformities. These deformities may have negatively 
affected the plant’s qualities as a host plant for successful weevil development. (Note 
the dead pupa recoded in the same tub that had the deformed stems.) 
Lake Holcombe had lower than expected production, probably due to weevil 
development time being shorter than expected. The rearing site was in open prairie, 
with all-day sun, which allowed the tubs to warm more than expected. Volunteers 
managed the temperatures frequently, adding fresh, cool groundwater twice a day if 
needed to keep tanks from getting too hot during heat waves. Their temperature 
records reflect that effort, with tank temperatures hovering around a mean of 81 F, and 

a tight 90% confidence interval of less than 1 degree. We were expecting tub 
temperatures to average around 71 F, as in Thorstenson 2011, and for the full life cycle 
to take about 21 days. Lake Holcombe’s temperatures were closer to optimal 
temperatures for weevil development (84 F, Mazzei et al. 1999). At this temperature, 
the full life cycle takes only 17 days (Mazzei et al. 1999), which means the weevils 
should have been fed four days sooner, at each feeding cycle. Subsample 
examinations found heavy feeding damage, a shortage of healthy growing buds suitable 
for egg laying, and a shortage of healthy, fat stems suitable for pupation sites, all 
evidence that the weevils were running out of food and habitat, which certainly led to 
reduced production rates. 
Although the results of this study were well below expected, the problems 
encountered can be adjusted for with modifications to the methods. In future studies, it 
is recommended to: 
select rearing sites that have a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight to maintain 
healthy food stems; 
collect food stems well away from potential herbicide residue areas; 
avoid the optional use of other milfoil species; 
and to monitor temperatures regularly and shorten feeding cycle times at very 
sunny sites where optimal temperatures are attained. 


This study was funded by an Aquatic Invasive Species Grant (#AEPP-304-11) 
from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This study would not have been 


possible without the dedication of team leaders at each site: David Blumer, SEH, Inc., 
Reesa Evans, Adams County Land Conservation Department, and “Doc” Dougherty, 
Lake Holcombe Association; and their dedicated volunteer crews at Goose Lake 
Association, Swift Nature Camp, Minong Flowage Lake Association, and Lake 
Holcombe Association. 


Hanson, T., C. Eliopoulos, and A. Walker. 1995. Field Collection, Laboratory Rearing 
and In-lake Introductions of the Herbivorous Aquatic Weevil, Euhrychiopsis 
lecontei, in Vermont. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, 
Waterbury, VT. 
Mazzei, K.C., R.M. Newman, A. Loos, and D.W. Ragsdale. 1999. Developmental rates 
of the native milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei, and damage to Eurasian 
watermilfoil at constant temperatures. Biological Control. 16:139-143. 
Newman, R.M., M.E. Borman, and S.W. Castro. 1997. Developmental performance of 
the weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei on native and exotic watermilfoil host-plants. J. 
of the North Amer. Benthological Soc. 16:627-634. 
Roley, S.S., and R.M. Newman. 2006. Developmental performant of the milfoil weevil, 
Euhrychiopsis lecontei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), on northern watermilfiol, 
Eurasian watermilfoil, and hybrid (northern x Eurasian) watermilfoil. 
Entomological Soc. of Amer. 

Solarz, S.L. and R.M. Newman. 2001. Variation in hostplant preferences and 
performance by the milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei Dietz, exposed to native 
and exotic watermilfoils. Oecologia 126:66-75.

Thorstenson, A.L. 2011. Biological control of eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum 
spicatum) using the native milfoil weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei). M.S. Thesis. 
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI. 

As you may have heard, the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE), in partnership with the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters (WLCV), is advocating for EE by way of a "Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights".....read more what you can do
This resolution, if passed, will help pave the way for environmental education, clean water, soil and air, and help foster environmental stewardship in today's children. 

Now is a good time to show your support for this effort - here's how:


1. Attend Lobby Day - March 16th, 2011

The Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters (WLCV) has declared the Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights a legislative priority for 2011-12. You can show your support and speak directly with legislators about this issue at WLCV's Lobby Day on March 16th. For more information and to register for this exciting and empowering day, visit: Lobby Day 2011.

You are also invited to attend:
WAEE's Lobby Day Breakfast 
Immediately preceding WLCV's Lobby Day
9-10am March 16th, 2011
Monona Terrace Room M/Q

RSVP to WAEE Advocacy Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


There's more you can do:

2. Sign on as a Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights Supporter.

3. Contact Your Legislator to let them know EE is important in Wisconsin and mention the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights. 

4. Forward this information to your colleagues.


What is the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights?

Children who have the opportunity to explore, learn and play in Wisconsin's outdoors are more likely to be healthy, to do better in school, to experience improved creativity and concentration, and to discover the rewards of outdoor stewardship. To that end, we believe the children of Wisconsin have the right to experience each of the following (draft) activities during their youth:


Every Wisconsin child has the right to:

• Follow a trail, whether by hiking or biking.
• Visit a working farm.
• Eat healthy and sustainable food.
• Splash, swim and play in a clean Wisconsin lake or river.
• Catch and release frogs, fireflies, and insects.
• Tap a maple tree.
• Explore wild places close to home.
• Eat a fish they catch.
• Discover Wisconsin’s diverse wilderness – prairies, forests, wetlands, and beaches.
• Share a hunting experience with a great mentor or teacher.


Why is it important to get involved?

In order to pass this resolution, we need your help! Over a thousand bills and resolutions come across our legislators desks each year but only about 30% are passed. Those that pass do so thanks to people like you. Legislators tell us they are significantly more likely to consider a bill or resolution if they've heard about it from their constituents. 

Is the timing right?

Now is a great time speak up for EE: the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights is a non-budgetary resolution and may be just what legislators are looking for to stand behind (rather than the politically charged "budget repair" bill). However, in order to be heard above the current turmoil and get legislators' support, it's critical the EE community comes forward to declare "EE in our state is important". 


Need more information or want to learn more about how this venture got started and where it can take us? Visit the Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rightswebsite or contact us - we're happy to discuss this exciting project with you:

Betsy Parker, Networking & Advocacy Chair
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(608) 209.2909

Recently I was poking around the web and I saw this article about the benefits of choosing a science summer camp program over some other type of summer camp. Being that this is what we do I found it extremely informative, you will too.

What activities do you associate with summer camp? Maybe making lanyards, tie-dying shirts, playing capture the flag, swimming, putting on a talent show, or painting macaroni?
What about 

Summer science camps and programs let students get close to areas of scientific inquiry in a way that isn't always possible in the classroom.
Does science come to mind when you think about summer camp? It should!
You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of camps and programs across the United States offer science as part of their summer-fun lineup—and in support of an increasing committment to supporting and strengthening science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills.
Like all other summer camps, science-related summer programs are an American right of passage: hours of fun with friends, away from parents, no textbooks, no tests, no homework. The difference is that a summer science camp 
also offers students of all ages an opportunity to reallyexplore science in all its hands-on, fun, goopy, messy, glory, without the burden of needing to know the 'right' answer for Wednesday's quiz.
Science camps come in a wide variety of formats. There are day and residential camps focusing on every aspect of science and engineering you can imagine: robotics, chemistry, the environment, zoo animals, architecture, space science, and dinosaur fossils, to name just a few! These programs use fun and play to help teach and introduce science and engineering concepts. For example, a week-long day camp focusing on amusement park physics might have kids exploring centripetal force, and kinetic and potential energy, while riding real amusement park rides and building their own mini versions from LEGO blocks, buckets, string, or foam tubing. When done right, science camp is a combination that is super fun and engaging, 
and fosters learning and creativity.

Why attend a science camp?

The advantages of attending a science camp or program can be summarized by a simple equation:

Summer + Camp + Science = 3x Fun + Real Learning

Science camps fall under the umbrella of what is commonly called informal science learning. Recent studies show that informal science learning is one of the most effective ways people learn science. Students who participate in these types of activities are more likely to have an above-average understanding of science, and pursue science-related careers.
For younger children, science camp can introduce them to many different areas of science and give them the confidence and inspiration to embrace science at school. Older students, who are already interested in science, may use science camp as a way to explore what a specific science-related career would be like, or to meet mentors and role models in the field. Such connections could lead to other opportunities, like internships, or become a featured event on a resume or college application.
all students, science camp can be the opportunity to explore a branch of science that might not be available in their school, like marine biology or aeronautics, or to cover a topic more in depth than they'd otherwise be able to.


How do I choose a summer science camp or program?

Through innovative hands-on activities and demonstrations, students can explore a range of scientific fundamentals and areas of science at summer camp, from chemistry and microbiology to aeronautics, electronics, and computer science.
Choosing a summer science camp is similar to choosing any other type of camp. You have your usual considerations about cost, distance from home, and amount of time, along with the question of finding the "best fit." For science camps, the "best fit" often boils down to figuring out what science topic(s) are of interest and finding a camp that does a good job of implementing those.

Figure out what science topic(s) are of interest.

  • Older children might already have a clear preference. Perhaps they're keen on video games and would love to go to a camp where they could design and program one. Or maybe they're into hiking and wildlife and are looking for an outdoor experience as a junior park ranger. Their hobbies and reading choices are often a good indicator of their interests.
  • Younger children might not yet have a clear preference. If they don't, then look for camps that offer a wide variety of science and engineering topics for them to explore. For example, a day camp that has a new science theme every week, or a balance camp that has a blend of science, arts, and physical activities.

Determine the level of "academics" you want.

  • Science camp should always be fun. A good science camp will allow students plenty of time to do hands-on exploration. This is part of the informal component. How much additional formal education a science camp has varies. Programs that incorporate lectures from distinguished professors or professionals might be appropriate, inspirational, and informative for older students who are interested in a specific field. Younger students are more likely to benefit from group activities, projects, and interactions with informed camp counselors rather than lectures.

Search for camps that fit your needs.

  • Once you know the range of science topics you'd like the camp to cover, the level of academics, the general geographic location, and the time and money commitments that are right for your family, you're ready to start searching.
  • Cogito and The Connectory are two great national science camp directories and a fantastic place to begin your search.
  • Local parenting magazines and websites might also have lists of camps in your area.
  • Science museums, zoos, aquariums, planetariums, and state or national parks are also great resources, as they often run their own camps and/or link to science camps with similar interests.
  • Many colleges and universities also run summer science camps. A simple search for "summer science camp" on a local academic institution's website is a good way to find these.
  • Simple web browser searches can also turn up a wealth of information.
  • How To Pick A Summer Camp is a great way to start
Summer science programs give students the opportunity to explore issues related to current global science and science news.

Make sure you choose a camp or program with qualified counselors.

  • Once you've located some camps that meet your search parameters, you should do some legwork to make sure that the counselors—the people the campers interact with all day long—are knowledgeable about science. For example, a knowledgeable counselor can transform a simple day of splashing in the creek into an adventurous treasure hunt for local plants and animals, andincorporate substantive and engaging lessons about food chains and the interconnectivity of different habitats.
  • Ask the camp or program director questions aimed at making sure the counselors have had ample formal training in the subject area(s) and excel at explaining the science in an engaging, age-appropriate manner.

Register Early!

While summer might seem a long way off, it's time to start thinking about summer camps. Many top camps offer "early bird" registration discounts in the January-March timeframe (check camp websites for specific camp deadlines).

Find Out More

More information about the educational benefits of science camps and other informal education opportunities can be found here:
  • National Research Council of the National Academies. (2009). Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits. Retrieved December 1, 2010, from http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12190&page=1#
  • Folk, John H., and Dierking, Lynn D. (2010, November-December). The 95 Percent Solution: School is not where most Americans learn most of their science. American Scientist. Volume 98, Number 6, Page: 486. Page: 486
As you may have heard, the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE), in partnership with the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters (WLCV), is advocating for EE by way of a "Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights".....read more what you can do
This resolution, if passed, will help pave the way for environmental education, clean water, soil and air, and help foster environmental stewardship in today's children. 

Now is a good time to show your support for this effort - here's how:

1. Attend Lobby Day - March 16th, 2011

The Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters (WLCV) has declared the Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights a legislative priority for 2011-12. You can show your support and speak directly with legislators about this issue at WLCV's Lobby Day on March 16th. For more information and to register for this exciting and empowering day, visit: Lobby Day 2011.

You are also invited to attend:
WAEE's Lobby Day Breakfast 
Immediately preceding WLCV's Lobby Day
9-10am March 16th, 2011
Monona Terrace Room M/Q

RSVP to WAEE Advocacy Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


There's more you can do:

2. Sign on as a Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights Supporter.

3. Contact Your Legislator to let them know EE is important in Wisconsin and mention the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights. 

4. Forward this information to your colleagues.

What is the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights?

Children who have the opportunity to explore, learn and play in Wisconsin's outdoors are more likely to be healthy, to do better in school, to experience improved creativity and concentration, and to discover the rewards of outdoor stewardship. To that end, we believe the children of Wisconsin have the right to experience each of the following (draft) activities during their youth:


Every Wisconsin child has the right to:

• Follow a trail, whether by hiking or biking.
• Visit a working farm.
• Eat healthy and sustainable food.
• Splash, swim and play in a clean Wisconsin lake or river.
• Catch and release frogs, fireflies, and insects.
• Tap a maple tree.
• Explore wild places close to home.
• Eat a fish they catch.
• Discover Wisconsin’s diverse wilderness – prairies, forests, wetlands, and beaches.
• Share a hunting experience with a great mentor or teacher.


Why is it important to get involved? 

In order to pass this resolution, we need your help! Over a thousand bills and resolutions come across our legislators desks each year but only about 30% are passed. Those that pass do so thanks to people like you. Legislators tell us they are significantly more likely to consider a bill or resolution if they've heard about it from their constituents. 


Is the timing right?

Now is a great time speak up for EE: the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights is a non-budgetary resolution and may be just what legislators are looking for to stand behind (rather than the politically charged "budget repair" bill). However, in order to be heard above the current turmoil and get legislators' support, it's critical the EE community comes forward to declare "EE in our state is important". 


Need more information or want to learn more about how this venture got started and where it can take us? Visit the Wisconsin Children's Outdoor Bill of Rightswebsite or contact us - we're happy to discuss this exciting project with you:

Betsy Parker, Networking & Advocacy Chair
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(608) 209.2909

The Wisconsin Environmental Education Board (WEEB) has enthusiastically adopted and 
supports the implementation of Wisconsin’s Plan for Environmental Literacy and Sustainable 
Communities . This plan is the latest in a long line of environmental education initiatives in the 
state . Beginning with the Conservation Movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s through 
the Environmental Movement in the 1960s and 70s and on to today, residents of Wisconsin 
have played a key role in shaping the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of individuals, groups, 
and organizations with respect to environmental issues at the national, regional, and local 
levels . As a new century has just begun, this plan provides a pathway for all of us to build 
upon this prior work and move forward in developing an environmentally literate society 
comprised of sustainable communities . 
Wisconsin’s Plan for Environmentally Literate and 
Sustainable Communities (referred to in this document 
as the “Plan”) serves as a strategic plan for achieving 
the vision of environmentally literate and sustainable 
communities across Wisconsin . The Plan is meant to 
build capacity, awareness, and support for environmental 
literacy and sustainability at home, work, school, and 
play . It encourages funding, research, and education for 
environmental literacy and sustainability and it supports 
Wisconsin’s Plan to Advance Education for Environmental 
Literacy and Sustainability in PK-12 Schools. 
This Plan was developed through input from diverse 
representatives from around the state, all of whom— 
like many before them—are attentive to the health and 
well-being of Wisconsin’s people, the stewardship of our 
natural resources, the sustainability of our communities, 
and to leaving a positive legacy for the future . Wisconsin 
people value the state’s natural resources and the functions 
these resources serve at home, work, school, and play . 
This commitment to protecting and conserving valued 
resources can and does lead to sustainable communities 
that enjoy a healthy environment, a prosperous economy, 
and a vibrant civic life . The purpose of this Plan, therefore, 
is to provide a roadmap, a course of action, individuals, 
organizations, businesses and governments must 
take to attain environmental literacy and sustainable 
communities . By providing a shared vision, mission, 
and goals, encouraging the use of common language, 
and promoting collaborative efforts, the Plan offers the 
opportunity for extraordinary impact and change . 
The Wisconsin Environmental Education Board (WEEB) is charged with 
leadership for environmental education for all people in the state and is required 
to develop a strategic plan every ten years . This Plan was born from that 
demand . WEEB’s previous strategic plan, A Plan for Advancing Environmental 
Education in Wisconsin: EE2010, had seven goals that were based on the central 
purposes of providing positive leadership; developing local leaders; developing 
and implementing curricula; and furthering professional development . 
An assessment provided insight into this plan’s successes and what remains to be 

done . Major successes include: 
The creation of a website, EEinWisconsin .org, which acts as a tool for 
statewide communication and a clearinghouse for both formal and non- 
formal environmental education in Wisconsin . 
The WEEB’s use of the goals in its grants program . 
The initiation of research in environmental literacy and sustainability . 
The establishment of Wisconsin Environmental Education Foundation, 
which is leading the way toward more sustainable funding for 
environmental education . 
The assessment found more work needs to be done to support and enhance 
non-formal and non-traditional environmental education . The Plan addresses 
this need and sets new goals . 

Collaboration with Other Efforts 

Wisconsin’s Plan for Environmentally Literate and Sustainable Communities 
considers educational needs and responses for the whole community and 
supports sustainable practices at home, work, school, and play . The Plan is 
coordinated with and supported by two additional statewide efforts to advance 
the implementation of the Plan’s goals and the integration of sustainability . They 
Wisconsin’s Plan to Advance Education for Environmental Literacy and 
Sustainability in PK-12 Schools addresses multiple aspects related directly 
to pre-kindergarten through high school student learning to ensure every 
student graduates environmentally literate . (NCLIwisconsin .org) 
Cultivating Education for Sustainability in Wisconsin builds capacity 
and support for schools and communities to focus student learning on 
sustainability . It provides recommendations for resources and services to 
implement education for sustainability in schools . (www .uwsp .edu/wcee/efs) 
2 Wisconsin’s Plan for Environmentally Literate and Sustainable Communities 

Benefits of a State Plan 

Provide a common vision and set of goals for people in Wisconsin to work 
toward . 
Guide decision-making, policy making and priority setting . 
Serve as justification for and purpose behind creating or continuing 
programs, tools and resources . 
Set priorities for development and delivery of educational programs, 
business plans, and community efforts . 
Rationale and guidance for funding and research efforts . 

How to Use the Plan 

Wisconsin’s Plan for Environmentally Literate and Sustainable Communities is 
not an organization, but rather a document that serves as the state strategic plan 
requiring partnerships and collaboration . It is designed to serve as reference 
material for individuals, businesses, and communities . Those who influence 
environmental literacy and sustainability in Wisconsin such as community 
leaders, traditional and non-formal educators and administrators, resources 
developers and providers, policy makers, funders and researchers will find the 
Plan useful as a guide in setting priorities and making decisions . Over the course 
of the next decade, the Plan’s desired outcomes will be central to environmental 
literacy and sustainability efforts across the state . As Wisconsin people work 
toward achieving the four main outcomes of the Plan, this document can help 
guide attitudes, planning, actions, and endeavors . 

Recently I was poking around the web and I saw this article about the benefits of choosing a science summer camp program over some other type of summer camp. Being that this is what we do I found it extremely informative, you will too.

What activities do you associate with summer camp? Maybe making lanyards, tie-dying shirts, playing capture the flag, swimming, putting on a talent show, or painting macaroni?
What about 

Summer science camps and programs let students get close to areas of scientific inquiry in a way that isn't always possible in the classroom.
Does science come to mind when you think about summer camp? It should!
You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of camps and programs across the United States offer science as part of their summer-fun lineup—and in support of an increasing committment to supporting and strengthening science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills.
Like all other summer camps, science-related summer programs are an American right of passage: hours of fun with friends, away from parents, no textbooks, no tests, no homework. The difference is that a summer science camp 
also offers students of all ages an opportunity to reallyexplore science in all its hands-on, fun, goopy, messy, glory, without the burden of needing to know the 'right' answer for Wednesday's quiz.
Science camps come in a wide variety of formats. There are day and residential camps focusing on every aspect of science and engineering you can imagine: robotics, chemistry, the environment, zoo animals, architecture, space science, and dinosaur fossils, to name just a few! These programs use fun and play to help teach and introduce science and engineering concepts. For example, a week-long day camp focusing on amusement park physics might have kids exploring centripetal force, and kinetic and potential energy, while riding real amusement park rides and building their own mini versions from LEGO blocks, buckets, string, or foam tubing. When done right, science camp is a combination that is super fun and engaging, 
and fosters learning and creativity.


Why attend a science camp?

The advantages of attending a science camp or program can be summarized by a simple equation:

Summer + Camp + Science = 3x Fun + Real Learning

Science camps fall under the umbrella of what is commonly called informal science learning. Recent studies show that informal science learning is one of the most effective ways people learn science. Students who participate in these types of activities are more likely to have an above-average understanding of science, and pursue science-related careers.
For younger children, science camp can introduce them to many different areas of science and give them the confidence and inspiration to embrace science at school. Older students, who are already interested in science, may use science camp as a way to explore what a specific science-related career would be like, or to meet mentors and role models in the field. Such connections could lead to other opportunities, like internships, or become a featured event on a resume or college application.
all students, science camp can be the opportunity to explore a branch of science that might not be available in their school, like marine biology or aeronautics, or to cover a topic more in depth than they'd otherwise be able to.

How do I choose a summer science camp or program?

Through innovative hands-on activities and demonstrations, students can explore a range of scientific fundamentals and areas of science at summer camp, from chemistry and microbiology to aeronautics, electronics, and computer science.
Choosing a summer science camp is similar to choosing any other type of camp. You have your usual considerations about cost, distance from home, and amount of time, along with the question of finding the "best fit." For science camps, the "best fit" often boils down to figuring out what science topic(s) are of interest and finding a camp that does a good job of implementing those.

Figure out what science topic(s) are of interest.

  • Older children might already have a clear preference. Perhaps they're keen on video games and would love to go to a camp where they could design and program one. Or maybe they're into hiking and wildlife and are looking for an outdoor experience as a junior park ranger. Their hobbies and reading choices are often a good indicator of their interests.
  • Younger children might not yet have a clear preference. If they don't, then look for camps that offer a wide variety of science and engineering topics for them to explore. For example, a day camp that has a new science theme every week, or a balance camp that has a blend of science, arts, and physical activities.

Determine the level of "academics" you want.

  • Science camp should always be fun. A good science camp will allow students plenty of time to do hands-on exploration. This is part of the informal component. How much additional formal education a science camp has varies. Programs that incorporate lectures from distinguished professors or professionals might be appropriate, inspirational, and informative for older students who are interested in a specific field. Younger students are more likely to benefit from group activities, projects, and interactions with informed camp counselors rather than lectures.

Search for camps that fit your needs.

  • Once you know the range of science topics you'd like the camp to cover, the level of academics, the general geographic location, and the time and money commitments that are right for your family, you're ready to start searching.
  • Cogito and The Connectory are two great national science camp directories and a fantastic place to begin your search.
  • Local parenting magazines and websites might also have lists of camps in your area.
  • Science museums, zoos, aquariums, planetariums, and state or national parks are also great resources, as they often run their own camps and/or link to science camps with similar interests.
  • Many colleges and universities also run summer science camps. A simple search for "summer science camp" on a local academic institution's website is a good way to find these.
  • Simple web browser searches can also turn up a wealth of information.
  • How To Pick A Summer Camp is a great way to start
Summer science programs give students the opportunity to explore issues related to current global science and science news.

Make sure you choose a camp or program with qualified counselors.

  • Once you've located some camps that meet your search parameters, you should do some legwork to make sure that the counselors—the people the campers interact with all day long—are knowledgeable about science. For example, a knowledgeable counselor can transform a simple day of splashing in the creek into an adventurous treasure hunt for local plants and animals, andincorporate substantive and engaging lessons about food chains and the interconnectivity of different habitats.
  • Ask the camp or program director questions aimed at making sure the counselors have had ample formal training in the subject area(s) and excel at explaining the science in an engaging, age-appropriate manner.


Register Early!

While summer might seem a long way off, it's time to start thinking about summer camps. Many top camps offer "early bird" registration discounts in the January-March timeframe (check camp websites for specific camp deadlines).

Find Out More

More information about the educational benefits of science camps and other informal education opportunities can be found here:
  • National Research Council of the National Academies. (2009). Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits. Retrieved December 1, 2010, from http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12190&page=1#
  • Folk, John H., and Dierking, Lynn D. (2010, November-December). The 95 Percent Solution: School is not where most Americans learn most of their science. American Scientist. Volume 98, Number 6, Page: 486. Page: 486
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25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
