CAMP CORNER Spring 1997 Edition
So You think you know ScienceBy Al Hoffmann Take this little quiz and then try it on your parents. I'll bet that most of you will get a better score than they will. You'll get the answers at the end of Camp Corner-No peaking. We promise Al won't call your teachers and get your score put on your report card! Most of the questions can be answered TRUE or FALSE 1) The center of the earth is very hot? (T/F) 2) The oxygen we breathe comes from plants? (T/F) 3) Electrons are smaller than atoms? (T/F) 4) The continents on which we live have been moving their location for millions of years and will continue to move in the future? (T/F) 5) Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals?(T/F) 6) The earliest human being lived at the same time as dinosaurs? (T/F) 7) Which travels faster, light or sound? 8) How long does it take for the earth to go around the sun: one day, one month, one year? 9) DNA is an important ingredient in the chromosomes of a cell? (T/F) 10) A molecule is the same as a compound?(T/F)
Patcheshas been Clowning around! And nosefluting all over the State of Wisconsin. She has given classes for nurses on the medical benefits of Laughter and Having Fun. Her next stop: the Early Childhood Educators Conference, where she will conduct her Tickle Bone Check-up. She has also been working for the Local/State Tobacco-Free coalitions. Patches will be back at Swift this summer and looks forward to seeing you all again! (Attn: Swift Clowns--get your costumes ready for more clowning tips and fun on clowning--Part II). Keep smilin to stay healthy--remember: it's the surly bird who catches the germ!! Patches
You can make a DifferenceI recently learned of a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, called FELLOW MORTALS. They admit approx. 1000 wild birds and mammles every year, returning 56% back to the wild-20% higher than the national average. Swift Nature Camp is sponsering ALBERTA, a 16 year old Grey Horned Owl, that was raised illiegally and imprinted on humans making it impossible for her ever to return to the wild. She has been helpful at the center by raising other baby owls. She eats 6 mice a day which has become very expensive. She hopes to be able to come to camp this summer so we all can meet her. PLEASE send donations of $10 or more, and you will receive a certificate and a photo of Alberta. We can make a difference! Fellow Mortals W4632 Palmer Road Lake Geneva, Wis. 53147 SO YOUR IN THE NEWS As I have been looking at camp articles in parent magazines, an amazing thing has been happening.... your pictures and words have been showing up. Congratulations to Kinsey Shurr who not only made the front cover of Valley Kids, but also had her story about camp published in the Participating In Education newspaper. Katarina Perinovic looked like she was working hard building the trail in her photo in Valley Kids. Keep your eyes peeled you may just see yourself.
I Want my Friends to come to Camp!!!! A few parents have called and asked if I would bring the camp video and come to their home and talk with the parents of your friends about coming to camp next summer. I would be more than happy to do this...Just give me a call so we can schedule a good time. And the bonus? You get a FREE Camp Reunion Video. COOL!!
Something Sad___________________ This is the most difficult update to give. As you all know Duke was a great dog and loved all of us. However in mid-January he ran off with his friend Midnight. They never came back to camp. We can only hope that some local resident found them and are caring for them. Maybe when all the snow melts in spring, he will find his way back.
So How did You Do??? Here are the answers, and the % in the survey who answered it correctly. Remember these were adult scores. Chances are good that you beat the adults! 1)T-78%, 2)T-85%, 3)T-44%, 4)T-79%, 5)F-44%, 6)F-48%, 7)Light-75%, 8)1 year-47%, 9)T-21%, 10)F-9%
Willies WorldCampers, Hello Again!! This is Willie from the Northwoods of Wisconsin. It was great seeing some camp friends at the reunion. We have lots of snow up here! How much snow, 120 inches I am told. If you were to try and get in your cabin, you would have to shovel 1/2 way down , just to get the door open. There are the occasional snowmobilers that buzz by. I think they really enjoy the snow. And people who walk with Snowshoes, they leave really neat footprints. The caretakers , Jody and Jolean say that the ice fishing has slowed down. But Jody did catch a 7 lbs. 27inch Walleye. Nice Fish!! Jody is also in the middle of making new tables and benches for the Dinning Hall, won't those be great for next summer. Talk to you next time.
The word is out Camp Sessions are filling very quickly this year. Don't miss out on the session of your choice by waiting too long to register. See ya this Summer!!! |
Date Last Modified: 3/13/98