
Year of the Turtle

With 2011 almost over did you know that it was the year of the Turtle?

If you did...What have you done about it.
If not there is still time to save nearly 40% of the turtles that are threatened .

Why Turtles, and Why Now?

Turtles are disappearing from the planet faster than any other group of animal. Today, nearly 50% of turtle species are identified as threatened with extinction. However, it's not too late for our turtle heritage to be salvaged. The United States has more endemic turtle species than anywhere on Earth; a turtle biodiversity hotspot. Our careful stewardship can preserve the rare species and keep 'common species common.'
Throughout the year, we will be raising awareness of the issues surrounding turtles through press releases, newsletters, photo contests, and related events. We believe that citizens, natural resource managers, scientists, and the pet and food and related industries can work together to address issues and to help ensure long-term survival of turtle species and populations.

Threats to US Turtles

The bad news is humans cause the largest harm to turtle populations, but the good news is we have the power to make positive changes toward turtle survival. The largest threats to turtle populations include (with the top 3 caused primarily by humans):
  • habitat loss and degradation
  • overharvest of wild turtles for food, traditional medicines, and pets
  • mortality from roads, agricultural machinery, fishing bycatch, and predators
  • invasive exotic species and diseases
  • loss of unique genetic makeup due to hybridization
  • climate change
Bookmark www.yearoftheturtle.orgfor more information on how you can get involved!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for our monthly newsletters, containing: 

  • A downloadable turtle photo calendar for each month, including a photo contest – your photo could be in the calendar!
  • Information about turtle conservation efforts and groups, and how you can help
  • Interviews with turtle experts, and answers to selected questions that YOU send us!
  • Information on how you can help spread the word about turtles
  • Educational materials
  • Turtle art, poetry, and cultural information
  • ... and much, MUCH, more!
  • At Swift Nature Camp you can learn more with hands on studies with turtles.
Read 3661 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 17:01


25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
