
Teens and Summer Camp

What are we to do with our teen this summer?” Many parents wonder. They are looking for a place that offer personal growth and independence but in a safe place, away from the pressures of today. Well the answer has been around a long time, its Summer Camp! Yep, Summer Camp!
Parents of teenagers can find a summer camp that suits the needs of their child. Specialty camp like soccer camp, space camp, science camp, math camp, music camp, are all great at teaching a skill. Yet, traditional summer camp are general camps where camps have fun and work on self development. Wisconsin Camps like Swift Nature Camp a Teen Summer Camp offers coed summer camp programs that are just for teenaged campers up to 15 years of age. A Counselor in Training Program offers a transition for teens aged 16 and 17 (provides leadership training).

Like its summer camp programs for preteens, Swift Nature Camp offers an amazing range of camp activities. Hiking, climbing, ceramics, horseback riding, tennis, kayaking, and whitewater rafting are among the most popular programs among teen campers.

Summer teen camps provide a special opportunity for them to make friends in a relaxed and fun-filled environment, build self-esteem and independence, and meet the challenge of new adventures.

Swift Nature Camp offers teen cabin mates to leave camp together and venture into the wild. The ideal location brings opportunities to take unforgettable trips to the Apostle Islands, the International Wolf Center, and the Mississippi River. These trip are wonderful ways to build bonds among the campers. But more importantly, it helps each child feel a part of the team and want to make a contribution.

All children, especially those in their teenage years, need a break from the accelerating competition of today's world. An intimate, friendly and noncompetitive environment for teens fosters positive encouragement. The atmosphere of acceptance brings a welcome balance to young lives. Even first time campers quickly and smoothly adjust to life as a camper in this kind of setting.

Today's teens grow up too fast and need time to play. An 
Adventure Teen Camps should challenge your teen to try new things, but not in a stressful way. Camp is not school! Interaction with animals can be a perfect way for a child to learn by the natural discovery of play. Besides all the fun and excitement of a traditional camp, the kids have the joy of discovering Nature and the world we live in.

After living life in a beautiful natural setting among caring staff and instructors, teens come to love summer camp. Many teen campers return summer after summer, returning to see friends and enjoy the excitement, self-direction, and goofy fun characteristic of camp life.

Summer camp is a great place to be oneself and a perfect place to make lifelong friends. Teens come to love summer camp and look forward to time away from the pressures of performance, and the change to rediscover themselves.

You can learn more about picking a wonderful Teen Summer Camp. This site is free and give alot of information to parents. 
Summer Camp
Read 3743 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 March 2016 12:15
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