
 See whats new at SNC this fall



Greetings, from Fall / School Camp.     
 Due to COVID, SNC had the opportunity for the 1st time in 25 years to hold a school/fall camp.  We thought that this was a wonderful chance for campers to come to camp and do camp activities once school was over.  We have a total of 17 campers and 9 staff  here. 
At first, it took some getting into the swing of studying but now things are smooth sailing and everyone enjoys the socialization and the activities. We started with warm temps and  a chance to go swimming, and most recently we had a snow ball fight with nightly lows in the teens...BRRRR.  

   Camp started in the fall but quickly turned to winter!


See all Fall Camp pictures on 

We would love to see your Pumpkin Creations, Please post your pumpkins on our Facebook page.
Camp 2021
Sorry for the delay in opening up the 2021 summer camp application but we have been busy at fall camp.  Please note that the dates are one week later than the 2020 season and that our prices have increased for the 1st time in over 10 years. Since we do not know what the future holds, we believe that COVID-19 will still be with us in 2021, so at this time, the protocols that worked to keep us safe in 2020 will be in place again in 2021.  
Be sure to see all the 2020 Photos
Changes at SNC
Last newsletter we had you guess what the picture was of.... Well, it is the new floor that is in the Dining Hall, Heath Center & the Boys Bathroom. It sure makes those areas more cheery. We also resurfaced the DH table tops to make them new and shiny.

Making Snow Men at SNC

Bubba enjoys a fall day
Exciting News
After 25 years of having the same old miserable piano in the Ox Barn, we have upgraded to even an older piano. That's right, with the help of the fall camp boys we managed to move a new to us 400lb piano. In the above photo, Justin is helping to put it back together so that it sounds as good as it did the first day it was manufactured in 1906.
1906 Whitney Piano
The Whitney Piano & Supply Company of Chicago was established in1890 by the Whitney Family. In 1895 the Kimball Piano Company acquired the Whitney company to produce a more affordable piano. They were made for over 100 years until Kimball went out of business in 1996.
This particular piano was donated to camp in fall 2020. Inside the piano are 2 handwritten initials & dates: 1926 and 1948. This is when we assume it was tuned.
With a piano this old, we will all have to take care of it being careful to play and not pound on its key board so it can last another 100 years.

Here is a thought: since the Whitney was made, 5 states have been added to the USA and the population of our country was 85 million.

Justin Surprised he needed a hat with a Hawaiian Shirt.

Justin Says...At the end of summer camp 2019,

as we all said goodbye to SNC for the year and

started to make plans of returning in 2020,

we did not anticipate an obstacle quite like COVID-19. Read More

Nick, trying to stay warm in front of the ovens at SNC.
Nick Says...As the summer of 2020 came to a close, we had many reasons to be grateful here at Swift Nature Camp. We were grateful for the families who sent their...Read More 
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SNC Blog

Keeping Summer Camp Magic Alive Through COVID-19


justinAt the end of summer camp 2019, as we all said goodbye to SNC for the year and started to make plans of returning in 2020, we did not anticipate an obstacle quite like COVID-19. As the pandemic started to grip the nation, life as we knew it was about to change. It didn’t take long for my college to shut down, originally only being an extended spring break, which quickly turned into remote learning from my hometown for the rest of the year. Friendships made at school were suddenly taken away, plans that were made for the end of the school year, all gone thanks to a pandemic. Yet, despite all of this, SNC 2020 still happened as planned, with a few adjustments of course. 


Coming to camp wearing a face mask would be the first noticeable change that took place in the summer. As I showed up, the bright smiles I was used to seeing on the first day back were replaced with a piece of fabric that made breathing more difficult. Usually during staff training, all the male counselors would sleep in one cabin and all the female counselors would sleep in another cabin. This year, we were split up, having to open multiple cabins so that we could minimize the risk of spreading the virus if one of us had it. Despite this, some things didn’t change. We still created strong bonds with each other and grew from strangers to friends, we still laughed and joked, it still felt like we were at camp. With camp set up and ready to go, there was only one crucial piece missing, the kids.


Our first session is always the shorter Discovery session. It is designed for campers who have never been to Swift to feel out if this camp will become their new summer home. In previous years, our biggest worry was homesick kids, as many of them had never been away from home for two weeks. This year, we had the unique obstacle of COVID, which would test our abilities as a team, communicating with each other if we were worried about a possible case of COVID, enforcing children to wear face masks in hot and humid weather, having a UV light in the cabins, and having a reworked schedule. With all of these changes, some of the returning counselors wondered if it was even the same camp we had come to love. As it would turn out, it was. It became clear quickly that there did not appear to be any cases in camp, and as no one could leave and come back, all worries of spreading the virus were gone and we got to enjoy camp as we knew it. After the first week, we relaxed COVID restrictions, the masks we once wore over our faces were no longer present, instead replaced by the beaming smiles of kids. 3rd activity and Free Time came back, which was fantastic, because even counselors love Free Time. Camp was back to normal, and there was no greater feeling. As the second week came to a close, so too did the session, and we sent home all of our new friends happy, dirty, tired, and most importantly, COVID free. For them, it was the end. For us, it was merely the beginning.


While Discovery felt difficult with COVID policies, the first Explorer session would present a new issue. Many kids in these sessions have been coming here for years, and they knew how the schedule worked and what camp felt like, so when that was all changed due to a virus, they faced a similar problem the returning counselors had. Was this the camp that they had grown to love and call home in the summer? The hardest part about this session was not being able to hug all the kids you remembered from years prior as they got dropped off. We had hit the reset button, our guards were up, and we were ready to beat our invisible virus enemy again. As a counselor, I am always shocked by how much the kids change over a year of time. In the months we aren’t at camp, little boys and girls turn into young men and women. Some kids feel like they’ve grown a foot since you’ve last seen them. Seeing these changes is one of the most exciting parts of this job, because even though they’ve changed on the outside, they are still the same kids on the inside. There were several returning campers I didn’t recognize at first glance due to their growth and the face mask over their mouth. After settling back into our COVID scheduling, it again became clear that the chances of the virus being present here were quite low, and a bit into the second week of camp, we relaxed restrictions. All of a sudden, it was back to normal, the bell woke us up, we stood shoulder to shoulder in the bathroom all trying to brush our teeth, and we high fived and sang on our way into the dining hall. Camp was back, and for a longer time during this session. Free Time and 3rd activity allowed us all to meet new people and make new friends, whether they had been coming for years or this was their first year here, camp was in full swing. Smiles, laughter, and singing filled the dining hall, and the returning campers remembered why they come back every summer. The second week quickly came to a close and the third week flew by, bringing us to the end of another session. Again, we sent the kids home happy, dirty, tired, and COVID free. 

When the final session of the summer came around, we knew COVID cases were rising, and some of us began to worry about having the virus at camp. As the final group of campers arrived, we all had to put masks back on and completely restart, which was very difficult for both staff and campers who stayed for 6 weeks. We had just enjoyed living mask free at camp, and for one last time, we started all over again. However, the first week flew by and we once again began to relax COVID policies more and more, until we were able to return all the way back to normal camp. The last session always feels the fastest, and this one was no exception, and felt like it ended as quickly as it started and the summer was coming to a close. Due to our strict policies, and possibly a little bit of camp magic, we were very fortunate not to have a single case of COVID amongst campers or staff.


We always tell the campers that camp is a magical place, and some choose to believe it, and some don’t. After this summer I can say, without a doubt, this is the most magical place to exist. Despite there being a pandemic, we still had camp. Even with COVID restrictions, we still had fun. And even though case numbers grew as the summer went on, no one here ever got the virus. Against all odds, we had another successful summer, filled with laughter, singing, and a ridiculous amount of sand in everything we owned. We would wake up every morning, feeling thankful that we were at camp, having fun, and being safe, even if it meant wearing a face mask. But the days where the masks came off, there were screams and cheers of joy, because it meant that we were finally back home for the summer, the way we wanted it to be all year. And it made leaving even more bittersweet than it usually is, because we overcame an invisible enemy, by working together, by using patience, knowing the best days were ahead of us, and by uniting as a community to ensure we could all get the experience that we wanted to have. If that isn’t the very magic of camp at work, I have no idea what is. This summer exemplified what camp is about, adapting to change, working together, and overcoming any challenges that come along. With summer 2020 behind, we are already looking forward to summer at SNC 2021. Until then, keep smiling, respect one another, and when it’s summertime again, we will be up here waiting for you to return.

Fall Camp at SNC!

nickAs the summer of 2020 came to a close, we had many reasons to be grateful here at Swift Nature Camp. We were grateful for the families who sent their children to camp, and the faith they had in us to take care of them in uncertain times. We were grateful that we were able to send every one of the kiddos back home healthy and virus-free. And, of course, we were grateful for the opportunity to open Swift for our first ever Fall Camp!

Getting to spend extra time at camp is always a blessing, but there is something about being here in the fall that makes it so special. A lot of the great parts of summer camp are still present: we do fun activities like boating and arts & crafts, play classic games like capture-the-flag and zookeeper, and make memories with friends old and new. But the changing of the seasons brought new and exciting changes to camp, as well. We have new clubs to choose from every week, like kayaking, reading, ukulele, camp choir and more. Our wonderful camp cook has made more kinds of soup than we can count, as well as all the hot chocolate we'd ever need! We even carved pumpkins and had an all-camp snowball war! Think it was too cold to swim? Think again! We all took part in what I'm certain was the coldest "Polar Bear Swim" this camp has ever seen! But the cherry on top of our Fall Camp sundae? The natural beauty of northern Wisconsin. It's no secret how picturesque this area is in the summer, but living amongst the trees as they change colors and shed their leaves is truly a sight to behold.

Thank you again to all of the families who made fall camp possible. To those families who couldn't make it this fall, we hope you all stayed healthy and enjoyed your fall as much as we did, and we'll see you all next summer!

3get attachment 14 ppOnline schooling has long been an option for children - and it is the best choice for some children.  When schools began to go online-only in the spring, a few children even found that things were less stressful for them - there are children that thrive in a school-from-home environment.

Unfortunately, this is not true for the vast majority of school-aged children.  But currently, parents and children aren't able to choose the school environment that works best for them.  Students who need in-person peer interaction and support for their emotional health and well-being are being forced (through covid circumstances) to either school entirely from home, or attend in-person school for a limited amount of time or with altered arrangements that leave them unable to truly interact with their peers.  Time spent with others through Zoom, Google Classroom, FaceTime, or other social media/virtual environments cannot substitute for in-person time with friends.
These consequences are worrying, and as we face a situation unlike any other in our life, we can't know the long-term effects that this will have on our children.  What we do know about some of the consequences of our current situation is worrying.  Our children are feeling lonely - online schooling is robbing them of the ability to build relationships and connect with their peers.  Children are left not knowing how their friendships are going to survive with only virtual communication.  This uncertainty leads to anxiety - our children don't know what to expect and aren't able to predict how situations will change.  Without this familiarity, children and teens feel unsafe, and that feeling is only increased without the in-person support of their peers.  
All of these changes are leading to increasing levels of stress for students - not only are these circumstances problematic emotionally and developmentally, that stress is affecting learning capabilities in an already unusual environment.  It is impossible to replicate in-person interactions with digital substitutes - and regardless of technological improvements, they are just substitutes.  Virtual interaction is not a long term solution.  School is not just a place that children learn, it is a much-needed space where they can build relationships, connect with others, and build long-term emotional skills.  A computer screen is not the same.
Here at Swift Nature Camp we have created a micro school that will allow students to do their online school studies at camp and afterward we treat the time as camp time. Which includes Fun, Socialization along with loads of activities. Let's all make lemonade out of lemons. SCHOOL CAMP

 be creative copy

Big Changes at Camp. 
Take a look at the above picture. If you know what it is and where send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you a special prize. Good luck.
Limited to the first 10 correct answers.


The idea is simple: students will come to camp just like in the summer, but at fall camp their first priority will be to complete their online school programming. The first half of the day will be spent in their cabin/classroom doing their schoolwork. Then in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends, they will be surrounded by their friends and counselors and have a more traditional camp experience: activities, special events, camping trips, and more.

We have changed our Fall Camp program for you. No longer do you need to be a Jr Counselor. So just enroll and you will be doing your school work at camp - A fun and supportive place with friends.
20% OFF -  Yes, that is a $780 Savings!
All you need to do is bring a friend that is new to SNC with you to camp. Read all about it    Click Here 




We have a solution fall camp 
Enrollment closes in 5 Dyas

Did you Know Fall School Camp Has Changed?


Last Day To Register Sept 14th

Get Flyer Now
Please Help,
Despite our children needing social learning opportunities now more than ever and Fall School Camp giving families what they need most during a Pandemic, we still  needs more visibility.

Please help make it happen by posting on social media, school groups, parent groups or even at your local grocery store.  We are in jeopardy of not having camp due to our low attendance. We only need 15 more children to move to a GO-GO-GO! . Get a copy of this flyer. 
Thank you
Lonnie & Jeff

Get Flyer Now

Camp Changes Lives
A Letter from an SNC Mom

There is no doubt that this is a challenging time to be a parent. How do we make the best decisions about what is best for our kids, in an unprecedented time in history? If there were ever a time that we are called to pay attention to our kids’ needs, and to find a balance between our logical brain, parent’s heart, and gut instinct, that tim

Please take this flyer and share on public buletine boards at grocerie stores, Social Media or even handed it to your school Principal. JUST DRAG TO YOUR DESKTOP

fall camp flyer

bunny mask
In the past five months, many people have communicated different versions of a similar quote: "we will never know if we did too much, but we will know quite clearly if we did too little."  Now at over two weeks past the end of the summer camp season, Jeff Lorenz, owner/director of Swift Nature Camp located in Minong, WI, cannot say if his carefully selected, hard-working staff did too much, but he can now confidently say that they did not do too little.  He states "Can we, with scientific certainty, state that we didn't have any COVID-19 cases at camp?  No, we can't.  But what we can say is that if an asymptomatic COVID-19 positive camper or staff member arrived at camp, our extensive precautionary measures kept the virus from spreading.  Furthermore, at over 14 days out from the last day of camp, no viral transmission has been linked to a camper or staff member from this summer at camp."
Nearly 200 campers made Swift Nature Camp their Wisconsin summer camp that held off COVID-19 summer home this year.  Some were returning campers from many years, while others were new campers spending their first summer at camp. Many chose Swift because a camp they had attended previously had closed for the summer.  Regardless of the reason for selecting Swift Nature Camp to provide a summer camp experience for their child, parents chose Swift because they trusted the procedures that the camp outlined would keep their children safe.  Mr. Lorenz stated "It was definitely nerve-wracking planning summer camp during a pandemic, but by following (and in some cases exceeding) the safety recommendations from the American Camp Association and other organizations, we didn't feel that it would be impossible.  Our goal was to create a bubble of safety surrounding our small camp community."
The successful season at Swift Nature Camp started with relying on families - all campers were required to do a strict home-quarantine for the two weeks before the beginning of each session.  The camp provided a form for families to document camper temperatures and any symptoms each day before arriving at camp.  Once the campers arrived at camp, they were assigned to small groups that stayed together for activities.  Jeff Lorenz shared:  "This was a change for our returning campers, who were used to having more freedom to choose their schedule individually in the afternoon.  But after months of being cooped up at home, all of the children were thrilled to be at camp - running around outside, swimming, interacting with peers and just having an old-fashioned good time."
While home quarantine provided some security, there were additional, strict precautions at the beginning of each session.  Staff scheduled bathroom times for showering and teeth-brushing and there was a rigorous schedule of hand-washing before and after each meal and activity session.  Each camper and staff member was temperature checked before every meal, and all camp activities were changed to keep the small cabin groups together.  For a few days, the campers wore masks at all times when not sleeping or eating, but after those few days, they were allowed to go mask free when they were with only other members of their cabin groups.  Jeff Lorenz elaborated: "In addition to the front-side safety plans that the campers could see, there was a lot of background work from the administrative side to keep things safe.  We operated camp as much like a cruise ship as much as possible - once we had everyone at camp, we didn't allow outsiders in and we didn't leave either.  Instead of running to the grocery or hardware store when we needed something, we'd find a way to order things to be delivered.  The small-town post office that serves camp worked with us to manage the increased volume of mail.  Mail delivery workers would leave packages at the bottom of our driveway and we would use a cart to bring them into camp.  Food distributors left deliveries outside in designated areas and our culinary staff would bring them in once the delivery person had departed."
Mr Lorenz further shared: "What really made this summer work was our amazing staff and the commitments that they made to ensure a successful season."  The camp hired extra staff members for the summer to meet the extra workload of keeping things safe and clean.  Staff members made sure to disinfect areas and equipment religiously.  The camp used a combination of a hydrogen peroxide fogger, UV lights, bleach solutions and in some cases, sunlight to keep equipment and areas virus free for campers and staff.  The camp staff agreed to not leave the camp property for the entire camp season - including a two week quarantine before campers arrived, they didn't leave the camp property for ten weeks.
"The most exciting part of camp was that because of our long sessions, the campers were able to go maskless and freely mix after a period of careful precautions." said Jeff Lorenz.  He shared further: "I'm pretty sure that the roar of celebration the day that we announced we could be completely mask-free and freely mix between groups was heard by our neighbors up and down the lake."  The time that children were able to spend freely with friends and outdoors was clearly exactly what they needed.  Parents reported that their children returned from camp refreshed and in good spirits - their emotional need for physical interaction had been met, and with that came the return of the children's happiness and normal personalities.  For Lorenz, this was confirmation that the incredible work and discipline required for a safe camp experience was worth it.  "It was not easy" he stated, "But this summer, we were able to turn sanitizer into smiles."

Dear Fellow Parents, 

There is no doubt that this is a challenging time to be a parent. How do we make the best decisions about what is best for our kids, in an unprecedented time in history? If there were ever a time that we are called to pay attention to our kids’ needs, and to find a balance between our logical brain, parent’s heart, and gut instinct, that time is upon us right now. And new situations call for new solutions. 

I am the parent of a bright, creative, artistic, insightful, funny, and social 13-year-old daughter. She is an only child in a two-household family. Her dad and I have each been working from home since March. 

Although I am sharing this from my perspective and experience as a parent, I also come from a background in education and psychology. I have taught and counseled middle school, high school, and college students, taught Child & Adolescent Counseling at the graduate level, and as of this year have been in private practice as a psychotherapist for twenty years. Naturally, that colors my view. 

Last Spring when school went online, I watched my daughter try to connect to middle school life through the only avenue available, the computer. We expanded her screen-time so that she could at least see her friends virtually. As the weeks went on, so did the monotony, and the absence of normal interactions with friends, classmates, and teachers became – especially for an only child – a heavy burden. It was painful to see a once lively kid now sitting at the dining room table with her head in her hands, trying to make the best of a bad situation, and feel, as a parent, that I had no options to offer. 

We hoped that by summer, the virus would be tamed and she could go to the summer day camp she’d attended for the past few years. That was not to be. 

We live in a community that has made the national news for anti-mask protests. Under the circumstances, I do not feel comfortable sending her to an environment where the population reshuffles daily. The prospects for her summer looked quite bleak. 

Then a parent friend mentioned something about the safety bubble that some sleep-away camps had been able to create. I quickly began researching. Long story short, my daughter ended up spending three weeks at Swift Nature Camp in Northern Wisconsin, and happily did two weeks of full quarantine and daily temperature taking to be able to go. 

To say this was a drastic departure for all of us is an enormous understatement! She had never been to overnight camp, and in fact, was never big on going to sleepovers at all. Yet, I put her on a bus, alone, to a place I’d never seen, to be supervised by people I’d never met, for three weeks! It was a chance for her to have the freedom to be a kid. 

New situations call for new solutions. 

Research shows that the social aspect of these childhood years is critical in the formation of self-esteem and self-mastery. For a kid, it’s the feeling that I can learn and grow, I know what I can do, and I can be trusted to do it. How kids come to see themselves is connected to how they are seen and acknowledged by others. They learn who they are and who they want to be during these years. This is the time of life when they begin to move away from us in increments that help them grow. What will become of this generation of kids who cannot even leave the house? This worries me, for my child, and for all children. 

I was not ready to send her back to the school building this fall for the same reason I couldn’t send her to the day camp. But the thought of her—again—spending months glued to a screen and calling that  “school” is terrible too. 

So, when Swift Nature Camp offered a Fall Camp option, it felt like a brilliant relief!  

Here is a chance to do online school, yet be outdoors having fun with other kids, and rather than suffering with monotony and loneliness, to have an extraordinary experience! 

Yes it is expensive. But, here is how I see it. There are times when it cost more money to take care of our kids. Our family used to spend about $1,000 per month on day care and diapers. And that was over ten years ago! 

The Fall Camp offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience, to have a “normal” kid experience, life free from many stressors, and an exceptional adventure, rather than being limited and constricted. This is a chance to be free and adventurous and learn new things, a chance to be outdoors soaking up all the wonderful aspects of nature, instead of being stuck inside alone. In my logical mind, parent’s heart, and trusty gut, a “once in a lifetime experience” is worth maxing out the credit card for. 

And I know that the 8-week time period seems like a long time. I’ve heard parents say that they can’t imagine having their child gone so long. I understand this, and I will definitely miss my daughter a LOT – but, if I can provide her an opportunity to have an exceptional experience, that feels to me like part of my responsibility as a parent. 

In other words, I do feel it is my job to “suck it up,” so to speak, and let her go have the freedom to run and yell and hike and kayak and canoe and play Capture the Flag and fall into bed exhausted from fresh air. I can’t give her that right now. But Swift Nature Camp CAN. 

My parents grew up during the Great Depression, and it was a point of reference for them for their entire lives, and for me too, as it affected how they saw the world. Covid-19 will always be a point of reference for our kids in the same way. What will that mean for them? For us, as parents, I believe it means that new situations call for new solutions, and it is our job to use absolutely everything we have to help them through this time. 



Dianne Frances, MFA, MS, LPC, NCC

Board Certified Psychotherapist 



Fall Camp 3

Welcome to Fall Educational Camp High School Students

We are currently looking for High School Students who are willing to lead during our Educational Camp. You will not only be in-charge of staying current with your own schooling and keeping your grades up but helping the children in your cabin. Qualities required include maturity, self motivation, child friendliness and being prepared to lead students in a professional manner. Fall Camp Jr Counselors will require less drama, more responsibility, leadership and motivation than a summer LIT because they will be working directly with one counselor. If you believe you can do the above, Please complete the below questions and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jr. Counselors Cost is $600 per week with Jr. Counselors making $500 for their time at camp. Tuition is payable over 4months beginning Sept 1st at $1200 per month.


 Junior Counselor Application: SNC Fall Camp 2020

  1. 1) Why do you want to be a Junior Counselor at Fall Camp? 
  1. 2) Because you will still be a student, schoolwork will still be your primary responsibility.  How much time do you think you will need for schoolwork daily? What kind of grades do you expect to receive this year? How confident are you in your ability to complete all your schoolwork on time and with minimal oversight? 
  1. 3) Which subjects would you be most comfortable assisting campers with?  
  1. 4) What 3 words do you think your former counselors would use to describe you? Please give examples?
  1. 5) A Junior Counselor should be a leader and role model for everyone at camp.  What are the top leadership skill you already have?  How are you going to show it?
  1. 6) Describe an instance at SNC in which you positively impacted a younger camper’s life.
  1. 7) Fall Camp will still be camp, but with some big differences (school-first environment, daily screen time, smaller cabin groups, etc.).  How will you adjust to these changes and help campers do the same?
  1. 8) Which part of Fall Camp are you most excited for?  What are you most apprehensive about?
  1. 9) What does the phrase “Child-appropriate” mean to you?
  1. 10) What will you do to stop the spread of gossip and negativity?
  1. Fall Educational Camp

    Please read in total this page to better understand what Fall Camp is all about
  2. More Info



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25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
