
Summer Camp Success for Staff

Recently, I was wondering why after 25 years of overnight summer camp we are still relavent to society. Of course, it came down to relationships in particular or camp staff. They are a great bunch of young adults that come to camp for all the right reasons and the right mindset. Then I ran accross this article by Mike McClary and it made things much more clear. Summer camp is a place where everyone is valued and we are all held to a higher standard. A standard that is not about ourselves as much as it is about others. When creating this environment it requires all agree to this mindshift. Camp is a much easier place to have this happen than out in the world. In the past I have asked staff why they return to camp and I have often heard "Camp makes me a better me". When you have staff feeling this way it is bound to filter down to the campers at camp.

The below article is a great way to move closer to living camp everyday in our life

Summer Camp Staff make friendsMindset is everything.

It defines your actions. Your thoughts. Your life.

Adopt the scarcity mindset, and you'll always be scared for what you have. And that you'll never get what you want. Scarcity has a way of holding you hostage and making you a victim. 

If you adopt a success mindset, you'll see opportunities for growth everywhere.

So today, I'd like to share with you 9 tips to start developing a success mindset... starting today.

Tip #1: Start your day with positive affirmations

You are what you think. 

And you think about what you teach your mind to focus on.

So if you start your day focusing on the positive things about yourself, your mind will grow a habit of thinking about positive things.

Tips #2: Read/listen to inspiring stories each day

Historian Thomas Carlyle once said that: "History is nothing more than a collection of biographies belonging to great people."

And those people had the right mindset.

Spend at least one 30 minutes each day reading their biographies. Listening to videos about them. Listen to their podcasts.

Let some of that awesomeness transfer to YOUR mind.

Tip #3: Accept the fact that perfection is impossible

There's no such thing as being perfect. At anything.

In fact, I’ve found that perfection is the enemy of profit. 

And if you constantly try to reach perfection, you'll never be satisfied and happy. 

OR, you will never take a task to completion.

Do your best.

More often than not, it'll be enough.

Remember that there is a law of diminishing returns that comes into play. 

Tip #4: Meditate

Calm your mind.

Clear your thoughts.

Get to know yourself.

Many great ideas came to life thanks to the process of meditation.

Tip #5: Learn to say NO - and stick to it

Energy, time, and focus drainers are everywhere.

So are many temptations and shiny objects.

If you say YES to any of them, you're taking a step away from your goals.

Learn to say NO. And keep your focus on what you truly want.

Tip #6: Turn failures into lessons

In every failure, there's a lesson.

Why it happened. What did you missed. What can you do to prevent it from happening the next time.

And if you can learn a lesson, then it wasn't a failure at all.

It was a teaching moment.

Like Edison said: "I haven't failed 20,000 times. I found 19,999 ways how NOT to make a light bulb."

Tip #7: Surround yourself with success-oriented people

You are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.

Do you want to get fit and go to the gym 3x a week?

Hang out with people who are fit and go 5x.

Want to be the best at what you do?

Surround yourself with people who are the best at what they do.

Surround yourself with people who'll lift you up.

Tip #8: Get a mentor/coach

Even the most successful people have coaches.

They help them stay focused and on track.

Find a mentor who'll keep you away from distraction and negativity.

Tip #9: Remind yourself of your past successes

Failure can distract you. A lot.

Some negative people can distract you. Significantly.

And that makes it easy to slide away into apathy and negative thinking.

Constantly remind yourself of your past successes.

And keep reminding yourself that you're capable for greatness.


Read 3142 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 February 2020 17:19


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