Science Camp acceptanceAs a camp director in the camping industry for nearly 1/2 of my life I constantly ask my self what are the positive benefits we provide to children. Oh sure, we play out side and are away from technology and that is all good but thier must be more. At Swift Nature Camp we focus on nature and science studies so I have always believed that when children come together with a common interest like animals they build greater bonds. Kinda like a sports team for those kids who are not sportsy. A few years back I had the pleasure to meet Niambi and hear about the specail work she was doing at her summer camp. It was at that point that it became clear that all camps help build acceptance of others and a closeness between cultures. Below is a recent article she wrote concerning the impact summer camp can have on all of society.

Fear Interrupted: Reframing Cross-Cultural Narratives at Camp

Niambi Jaha-Echols.   January 2020

Several years ago, when I directed my camp program specifically for African- American teen girls (Camp Butterfly), there were many memorable moments.
But one in particular has been etched in the recesses of my mind since the day it occurred. The event happened during one of our summer sessions; it involved a young 13-year-old girl named “Lea.”

During the day, Lea got along with all the other girls, was outgoing, and seemed pretty typical on the surface. But every night she would wreak havoc in the cabin. She picked fights with the other girls, was disrespectful to her counselors, and refused to go to bed. At first glance, it appeared that she suffered from some nocturnal Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome. As we gained her trust, we were able to uncover the truth. Lea was afraid to go to sleep because nighttime had proven to be the most unsafe time for her. She had been in a foster home where her bed was positioned right next to the bedroom door. This made it easy for her older foster brother to silently enter the room at night, undetected by her sleeping younger sister. He would kneel by the side of her bed and sexually violate her. We learned that this had been a nightly ritual for almost three months when she was 11 years old until she and her sister were reassigned to a different foster home due to other circumstances. She had never shared the truth of her horrific past and wasn’t even consciously aware of its effects on her nighttime behavior. At camp, her assigned bed was close to a door. She complied during the day but was terrified at night. She picked arguments with the other girls to keep the lights on.

Fortunately, she had a close-knit group of girls and counselors in her cabin. Lea was finally able to share the stories of her past, and, as a group, they focused not on her behavior but on what was driving it. Because she was in a cabin (and camp) with other girls who looked like her, her nightly terror and verbal assaults on the other girls and staff were not deemed to be racially motivated. But I have to be honest, I often wonder if she had been in a cabin where she was the only black girl, would her behavior have been associated with the color of her skin?

I have consulted with camps which, in their efforts to become more diverse, recruit black youth and counselors, dispersing them among different groups within the campus to diversify the camp experience. When incidents or misunderstandings occur, it is effortless to hit our internal default buttons and view them through a black-and-white lens. For many white youths (and counselors), camp may be the first time they have been in a social/ work setting with blacks and vice versa. If Lea had been in a cabin with primarily white girls, and potentially the only person of color, I can only imagine the stories that might have been created around the incident. Given past societal experiences, Lea might have been sent home for being a “disruptive black girl” if she didn’t have staff available with whom she felt safe to explore the truth and who could see beyond the color of her skin. Her loud, aggressive behavior at night could have been deemed “typical” in the minds of counselors and campers who had no prior social connections with black people outside of camp. The unconscious lens of prejudice and implicit bias could have become a considerable barrier to complete acceptance, empathy, and compassion for Lea.

With all the injustice and racially motivated discord that continues to happen in the world, every story we hear, witness, participate in, or create, we shape through our own pain and projection — or through our real power and sense of possibility. Camp creates a beautiful refuge from the distractions of the outside world and has the potential to reconnect us with our inner worlds through nature. The challenge is we bring our stories with us. We carry them in our hands, in our minds, in our feet, and in our hearts. Like tiny fibers, each coded piece of data is like a letter; together they form words and sentences about who we are. Those sentences are then strung together to form paragraphs and then whole stories of who we are — or more accurately — who we think we are (and who we think others are as a result). Sometimes those stories play over and over in our heads like song lyrics. And I suppose, when we feel safe, we speak our stories out loud so that we can sort them all out — and then be open to really hearing others’ stories.

How can we short-circuit our thoughts and bypass the stories we carry about others that are based on fears and often lead to generalizations about entire cultural groups?

  1. Make sure your social circles outside of camp include people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. We are less likely to see the behavior and actions of one individual as a representation of an entire group if we have formed meaningful relationships with people from a variety of ethnic and cultural groups outside of camp. Without those meaningful relationships, it is easy to unconsciously fall prey to seeing them through the lens of stereotypical assumptions rather than their true personalities.
  2. Be intentional. Racism is real. We have all been affected by its influence. It is embedded in our psyches, whether we are conscious of it or not. Color is the first thing we see, and some never get past it in creating meaningful relationships. However, we can’t act as if those cultural markers don’t exist. We must see color and then intentionally cultivate relationships that move beyond it. When we do, we can collectively experience aspects of our humanity that extend far beyond our ethnic groupings and can bind us together heart and soul. When we see each other only through the lens of our external colors and cultural representations, we miss out on opportunities for more in-depth understanding, compassion, and empathy for one another.
  3. Invest in diversity, equity, and heart-centered inclusion work — both at camp and beyond. Racism poses a continual assault on our senses. It is designed to divide us, and we all carry unconscious bias, blind spots, and pain triggers. It is our job to heal those ancestral footprints that are deep inside of us. We can’t transform what we are unwilling to see and feel. So we must look honestly at our biases and prejudices. They can be invisible walls that prevent our campers and counselors from showing their authentic selves. Or they can become bridges that encourage their authentic selves to be on full display.
  4. Be vulnerable and brave. If you find yourself in a situation where a counselor or camper is from a different culture or ethnicity than you and their default setting is stuck on some painful memory, trauma, sadness, or fear — causing destructive behavior — what do you do? Use your camp wisdom. Don’t allow their current attitude to become a culturally stereotyping story in your mind. Face it with compassion. See the humanity in the individual. Whether you are able to figure out what is causing the underlying pain or not, listen, empathize, and perhaps offer a different perspective. You likely will build bridges, create smiles, and lift spirits. In my experience, each time I open my heart and soul to someone who doesn’t mimic my perspective, my heart expands.

Lea doesn’t represent every black girl’s experience in our society. Unfortunately, sexual assault is something experienced by many young people across cultures. It doesn’t by any means define the person, but it is part of far too many of their stories. When their behavior isn’t perfect, it is easy to view others through the lens of our implicit biases. When we become aware of our own stories and triggers, we can interrupt the patterns of separation and fear. As we bind ourselves together heart to heart, we create an opportunity to reframe the stories we tell ourselves about different cultural groups. We then see and experience our humanity together.

It is when we can disrupt our patterns of thinking and disassemble the stories within us that camp actualizes the collective vision of many: to be a safe place to enrich the lives of children and adults. But we can’t get there if we are too afraid to tell each other the truth and see each person as an individual with a rich culture, and not a representative of their entire cultural group.

Camp has an opportunity to assist the world in writing a new narrative. The only way for us to truly break down our cultural barriers is for us to be in relationship with each other — even when doing so is complicated.

Cultural aha moments at camp often live beyond the summer. While the shine of overcoming fear and bias experienced at camp may be tested when a camper or counselor is back in the real world, they will remember their camp stories — where they felt loved, accepted, and respected. Those stories of your compassion will feed the flames of change. When people from different cultures interact, we can always learn something valuable. We see that we are connected, that our fates are bound together. We are all part of one tribe. The Human Tribe. Together, let’s interrupt the fear and create some new stories across cultural lines.

Recently, I was wondering why after 25 years of overnight summer camp we are still relavent to society. Of course, it came down to relationships in particular or camp staff. They are a great bunch of young adults that come to camp for all the right reasons and the right mindset. Then I ran accross this article by Mike McClary and it made things much more clear. Summer camp is a place where everyone is valued and we are all held to a higher standard. A standard that is not about ourselves as much as it is about others. When creating this environment it requires all agree to this mindshift. Camp is a much easier place to have this happen than out in the world. In the past I have asked staff why they return to camp and I have often heard "Camp makes me a better me". When you have staff feeling this way it is bound to filter down to the campers at camp.

The below article is a great way to move closer to living camp everyday in our life

Summer Camp Staff make friendsMindset is everything.

It defines your actions. Your thoughts. Your life.

Adopt the scarcity mindset, and you'll always be scared for what you have. And that you'll never get what you want. Scarcity has a way of holding you hostage and making you a victim. 

If you adopt a success mindset, you'll see opportunities for growth everywhere.

So today, I'd like to share with you 9 tips to start developing a success mindset... starting today.

Tip #1: Start your day with positive affirmations

You are what you think. 

And you think about what you teach your mind to focus on.

So if you start your day focusing on the positive things about yourself, your mind will grow a habit of thinking about positive things.

Tips #2: Read/listen to inspiring stories each day

Historian Thomas Carlyle once said that: "History is nothing more than a collection of biographies belonging to great people."

And those people had the right mindset.

Spend at least one 30 minutes each day reading their biographies. Listening to videos about them. Listen to their podcasts.

Let some of that awesomeness transfer to YOUR mind.

Tip #3: Accept the fact that perfection is impossible

There's no such thing as being perfect. At anything.

In fact, I’ve found that perfection is the enemy of profit. 

And if you constantly try to reach perfection, you'll never be satisfied and happy. 

OR, you will never take a task to completion.

Do your best.

More often than not, it'll be enough.

Remember that there is a law of diminishing returns that comes into play. 

Tip #4: Meditate

Calm your mind.

Clear your thoughts.

Get to know yourself.

Many great ideas came to life thanks to the process of meditation.

Tip #5: Learn to say NO - and stick to it

Energy, time, and focus drainers are everywhere.

So are many temptations and shiny objects.

If you say YES to any of them, you're taking a step away from your goals.

Learn to say NO. And keep your focus on what you truly want.

Tip #6: Turn failures into lessons

In every failure, there's a lesson.

Why it happened. What did you missed. What can you do to prevent it from happening the next time.

And if you can learn a lesson, then it wasn't a failure at all.

It was a teaching moment.

Like Edison said: "I haven't failed 20,000 times. I found 19,999 ways how NOT to make a light bulb."

Tip #7: Surround yourself with success-oriented people

You are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.

Do you want to get fit and go to the gym 3x a week?

Hang out with people who are fit and go 5x.

Want to be the best at what you do?

Surround yourself with people who are the best at what they do.

Surround yourself with people who'll lift you up.

Tip #8: Get a mentor/coach

Even the most successful people have coaches.

They help them stay focused and on track.

Find a mentor who'll keep you away from distraction and negativity.

Tip #9: Remind yourself of your past successes

Failure can distract you. A lot.

Some negative people can distract you. Significantly.

And that makes it easy to slide away into apathy and negative thinking.

Constantly remind yourself of your past successes.

And keep reminding yourself that you're capable for greatness.


Look Who Made It To The Top Of The List

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IMG 1720Having been lucky enough to work with kids as much as I have, I can say that most of the generalizations made about modern children are false.  They are smarter more respectful than they are given credit for, they can be separated from electronics surprisingly easily, and aren’t as overly sensitive as some claim.  Something I can’t disagree with, however, is that for whatever reason they seem to have less resolve.  When something goes wrong, there is a lack of perseverance and willingness to step outside of their comfort-zone.  

One of the magical things about Overnight Summer Camps is that it remains one of the last places where a kid can develop some grit.  Grit is a difficult thing to define, but it’s impossible to miss when you see it.  Grit is not just a way to describe a cowboy in the old west, and it is more than just falling off your bike, dusting off your knees, and hopping back on.  Grit is being honest with someone even when it hurts.  Grit is speaking in public on weak knees.  Grit is the ability to overcome.  Overnight summer campsare the perfect environment for this to emerge in someone because it provides so many safe and healthy opportunities to overcome our fears.

A lot of children share a basic and understandable fear of the unknown.  Whether it’s sailing, starting a fire or going on an overnight camping trip, there are so many activities a kid will try at camp for the first time.  There is a good chance they won’t be good at everything, and that’s ok.  At Swift Nature Camp, a summer youth camp we aren’t afraid to let our kids fail, because it builds resilience and teaches us three very important things about what happens when life knocks us down.  First, we learn that we must find the courage to get back up and try again.  Second, we learn that if we have friends and loved ones there to encourage us, conquering our fears becomes a little more feasible.  And third, we no longer see failure as the end, but as a steppingstone to accomplishment.

In a world that is changing and growing at a faster and faster rate, having the grit to throw yourself into uncomfortable situations and come out on top is a more useful thing than ever.  It eases my mind knowing that  summer kids camps  can offer this to the children of today and of the future.

Why Homeschooling and Summer Camps Go Hand-in-Hand

            Homeschooling has rapidly evolved over the years. Thanks to a combination of proactive, community-minded parents and modern technology, children are no longer forced to go without socialization the way previous generations of homeschoolers were.  From different public and private homeschooling networks, to video chats with teachers and fellow students, homeschooled children are more connected to the world around them than ever.  Still, the idea of sending a child from a homeschool environment to an overnight camp for the first time can make some families unsure.  But combining the benefits of homeschooling with the right summer camp can work wonders for a kid.

            The beauty of the homeschool summer camp collaboration is that there is a good chance camp reflects the same values projected at home.  There are countless reasons parents choose to homeschool their childrBest Camps  for homeschooled kidsen, but overall, it comes down to some basic principles.  Some families believe having a greater hand in their kid’s schooling will get them the highest quality education and best prepare them for college and adulthood.  Other families might see that public schools can have a less-controlled social environment that some kids can react badly to.  Or perhaps families recognize that there are children who simply thrive outside of a traditional schooling format.  At a smaller camp like Swift Nature Camp, we are incredibly intentional about discovering what makes each kid unique and how we can adapt to their needs rather than conforming to the needs of everyone else. We also believe in the power of positive peer-pressure, doing our best to facilitate character-building friendships and eliminate all forms of bullying.  And education is a major focus in our activities, emphasizing both basic skills and life-long lessons.

            Being in a cabin at Swift Nature Camp can be especially beneficial to a child from a home-school background because it goes beyond basic socialization and builds a sense of comradery unlike any other.  It is the perfect place to learn the true value of a community and develop a healthy respect for everyone in it. Perhaps the most under-appreciated aspect of summer camp is that it provides an environment in which traits and characteristics of future leaders can blossom.  There are few things more gratifying in this line of work than watching a kid emerge as a leader amongst their peers.

            Attending a residential summer camp can have benefits for home-schoolers years down the road, as well.  The ability to adapt to a new environment and be comfortable way from home is an underrated skill.  Young adults are routinely sent off to college without ever having been away from family for extended periods and can find it surprisingly difficult to cope.  A study published on hap.org revealed nearly 70% of first year college students report sever homesickness to the point where it affected their coursework. A sleepaway camp is an ideal way to hone this skill and better prepare them for the future.   

The right summer camp is beneficial for any child, but when a child comes from a homeschool environment they have an ever greater chance to thrive at overnight summer camp. Plus with SNC only 2 hours from Minneapolis /St. Paul Minnesota it is easy for parents to have a visit and see all the personal growth and fun their campers are having.  


What are the effects of the internet on your child? Yes, summer camp can help.
Summer Camp Newsletter for Parents
CampCorner Parent tips

Learn More About Overnight Summer Camp

Overnight Summer Camp information


flyer 2019 BACK4 low res

Come to the Swift Nature Camp 
Informational Open House

in Chicagoland May 27th - MEMORIAL DAY.   

Our Open House is a wonderful time to learn more about camp by meeting the Directors (Lonnie & Jeff), staff and other campers.   If you are already enrolled in camp this is a wonderful time to meet new friends and play games with the other campers and counselors. You can even bring a friend. We will take a hike round Willowbrook Wildlife Center and explore the animals and activities. If you have not committed to SNC and are still thinking we might be the right camp for you, please come with your questions. We hope you can make it to this fun program. Please dress for the weather. If you have any questions call us at 630-654-8036.
We hope to see you there, Lonnie & Jeff




Why Come? Have your questions answered, Feel more comfortable with the owners and staff, Make firends, Help campers feel good cabout camp

Camper Games and Hike-START TIME: 1pm

Parent Information  -START TIME: 1pm

Camper & Parent Question & Answers: 2pm
Ending 3pm

WHERE: Willowbrook Wildlife Center (across from the College of DuPage) Glen Ellyn Il
WHO: Campers Enrolled or Families that are considering SNC and want more information

DIRECTIONS to Willowbrook Wildlife, Center Glen Ellyn, Il

WILLOWBROOK WILDLIFE CENTER IS LOCATED on the east side of Park Boulevard across from College of DuPage, one mile south of Roosevelt (Rt. 38) and one mile north of Butterfield Road (Rt. 56). ph(630) 942-6200
525 S Park Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

122 2913Summer Camps in Minnesota has been a part of childhood for over a century. Historically, camp was just a chance to get children away from the cities and get out in nature to learn outdoor skills. Today getting out in nature is just as important as it was over 100 years ago. In addition, the benefits of increased self confidence, being screen free and positive social skill development are just some of theadditional benefits of an overnight summer camp experience. So as parents, we understand that summer camp has a positive impact on our children. Yet, sending our children out into the woods to a camp with people we do not know and with no phone is a very scary idea for most parents. Picking the wrong camp can create a terrible experience for your child and cause them to never want to go to any camp again. So doing your leg work firt is very important.

Here are 3 Must Do's before you send your child off to the Northwoods of Minnesota:

1) Scour The Website
              Every camp has a website. Yet, not all websites are created the same, be sure to look past the smiling campers faces. What is the feel of the site? Was it created by a camp director or was it built by a professional company that puts all the latest bells and whistles on the site to impress you and your child. Next, does the site have the information? Read, read, read, This day and age we all want to do things fast and get them done, but remember, you are sending your most important asset out alone to an overnight summer camp in Minnesota. For instance, at Swift Nature Camp they have a parent section with a section "Policies that Protect Campers" . Having a section like this helps show that they are dedicated to child safety, even the things that are so bad nobody want to talk about them. Remember this, any summer camp can create a website, and all websites are advertising, they are not going to tell you the bad stuff that happened at camp last year, so it is important to know who stands behind the site and the summer camp you are sending your child off too.


2) Talk To The Camp Director
              Every camp has a leader. This position sets the tone for staff development, camper and parent interactions and camp safety. For many camps this is a part time position and often given to a person who is still in their 20's with little experience. I once called a camp in Minnesota and they told me that I could not speak to a camp director because they don't do that. When I inquired why, they mentioned they did not have an overnight summer camp Director yet. By calling the camp directors you have the opportunity to ask questions about the philosophy and feel of the camp. Do you feel the Director understands children and knows how to manage a staff of 18-22 year old staff members. The camp director is the most important person at your summer camp be sure you chat with them and have your questions ready in advance. SummerCampAdvice has a worksheet to help pick the right camp .


3) Ask For References
              References are the key to knowing that the overnight summer camp you pick is the right one for your child.  As parents, talking to references will help give you some insight into what another parent thinks about the camp. The best way to do this is call the camp director and ask for at least 3 references. This will help prove that the camp has relationships with its families and is not just processing children through its program. Questions to ask the parents might include: Was your child homesick? What did the camp do to help? or Why did you select this camp? Don't forget that talking to references can be children as well. So talking to the camper has great insight. Some questions might include: What was your happiest time? Why? Did you ever feel scared? Your child might even put together a few questions they feel are important and then they can ask them of the camper. Talking is important dont text, dialog is important and the tone of the conversation can give you even more information. Remember this is a fact gathering task so be open 


Overnight summer camps in Minnesota have a very good safety record, better than public schools in Minnesota. As parents, we want more than our kids being safe at camp. We want our child to benefit from all that camp provides. We know that summer camp provides a place for kids to learn to swim, sleep in a cabin and sing around a campfire, they can be rewarded with personal development skills that can help them in the classroom, in their relationships and in whatever calling they choose.  At our camp we often talk about the Magic of summer camp and when I ask campers and staff what this means the answer that I most often get is "Swift Nature Camp creates a place where I am my BEST Self" and isn't that the best thing we as parents want for our children summer camp experience?


Swift Nature Camp is an overnight nature camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. Our focus is to blend traditional summer camp activities while increasing a child's appreciation for nature, science and the environment. Swift Nature Camp offers traditional summer camp activities along with an environmental focus. Campers enjoy an active Nature Center, Pet Zoo, and Department of Natural Resources sponsored programs, plus recreational activities that include canoe and backpack trips, horseback riding, swimming, arts & crafts, team courses, archery, sailing, water skiing, tubing and sports.

Our special Discovery Camp is a nurturing program for first-time overnight campers, offering additional staff to provide support and encouragement to overcome homesickness and build confidence. The program welcomes no more than 50 first-time campers, and the special attention that this intimate group receives is the reason that more than 92% of them wish to return. 


n2Jestem dyrektorem obozu letniego dla dzieci i młodzieży ale przede wszystkim jestem rodzicem. Obserwując  zjawisko spędzania wielu godzin przez nasze dzieci przed ekranem komputera lub telewizora  ogarnia mnie przerażenie. Co się stało, że najmłodsi zamienili zabawę na świeżym powietrzu na długotrwałe  przesiadywanie w zamkniętym pomieszczeniu przez elektronicznym urządzeniem? Jeszcze nie  tak dawno, pamiętamy to ze swojego dzieciństwa, kiedy dzieci miały wolny czas, beztrosko bawiły  się z rówieśnikami, czytały  książki, goniły po podwórku i sąsiedztwie. Dziś wybierają ekran komputera, tabletu czy telefonu. To nowy styl życia, który przejęła nie tylko młodzież. Dochodzi do takich paradoksów kiedy rodzice karząc dziecko  zobowiązują go by wyszło  z domu. Dla nas karą było gdy rodzice zabronili nam wyjść do kolegów na podwórko. Często my dorośli nie tylko nie sprzeciwiamy się takim sytuacjom ale sami promujemy taka formę wypoczynku. Być może czasem zwrócimy naszym dzieciom uwagę by odłożyły komputer, czy telefon ale tak naprawdę nie wiele to daje. To od nas, jako rodziców, zależy czy dzieci  zachowają zdrowe proporcje bycia " na internecie" i " poza internetem".

Ile czasu twoje dziecko spędza przed ekranem? Dwie godziny, trzy, pięć...? Ostanie badania naukowe wykazały, że dzieci i młodzież w wieku 8-18 lat spędzają przeciętnie 7.5 godziny dziennie przed ekranem. Co w tym takiego złego? Efektem takiego stylu życia sa problemy z koncentracja uwagi, problemy wychowawcze, trudności w nauce, w zasypianiu, otyłość czy powolny zanik tradycyjnych relacji międzyludzkich. Lekarze opisują nową etiologię nadciśnienia tętniczego u nastolatków, która wynika z wielogodzinnych sesji  “online” spędzonych na grach komputerowych. Młodym ludziom coraz trudniej  nawiązywać kontakty " twarzą w twarz". Ekran to rozrywka i często dla tzw. świetego spokoju pozwalamy dzieciom na taka formę zabawy. Przyjrzyjmy sie sytuacjom  codziennym  np. w restauracji. Nie rzadko siedząca przy stole rodzina podzielona jest na tych, którzy rozmawiają  patrząc sobie w oczy( to zwykle starsze osoby) i tych, którzy wpatrzeni sa w ekran telefonu i nie sa zaangażowani w rodzinna rozmowę. Jeśli chcemy zmiany, wszyscy musimy podjąć w tym celu odpowiedni wysiłek. 

Zarówno my rodzice jak i dzieci powinniśmy ograniczyć czas spędzany przed ekranem.  Nie możemy mieć wymówki, ze był ciężki dzień w pracy dlatego siadamy przed telewizorem i sie relaksujemy. Jako rodzina usiądźmy razem i porozmawiajmy o tym nowym stylu życia. 

1) Ustalmy reguły według których wiadomo będzie ile czasu przed ekranem jest dopuszczalne. 

W naszym domu jest to przywilej, nagroda za odrobione lekcje i wykonanie innych obowiązków. 

2) Tak jak jest zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów i tekstowania, wprowadźmy podobne zasady w domu. Np. Zakaz tekstowania przy stole w czasie posiłku, czy po określonej godzinie.

3) Dzieci często uciekają sie do ekranu bo nie wiedza co z sobą zrobić. Zachęćmy je do zabaw z naszego dzieciństwa, niech pogonią po podwórku, łapią żaby, robią łuki z patyków a jak zimno na zewnątrz niech budują z LEGO, rysują, układają puzzle. A jak jest możliwość to i my zaangażujmy sie w rodzinny spacer, czy wycieczkę rowerową. 

W naszym domu tradycją stał sie wieczór gier planszowych, na które często wparszaja sie znajomi. Czas spędzony przed ekranem jest ograniczony do 30 minut po wykonanych obowiązkach. Raz w tygodniu mamy wieczor kiedy zasiadamy jako rodzina i oglądamy film odpowiedni dla nas wszystkich. Czy taki styl życia jest łatwy? Zdecydowanie nie, to nasz wybór. Ale za to możemy więcej czasu spędzić razem i wcale to nie jest takie złe :)

Niech to będzie wyzwanie dla całej rodziny. Walczmy z tym technologicznym potworem i nie dajmy sie mu pożreć. Postęp technologiczny jest wspaniały i ważne jest by dzieci potrafiły z niego korzystać, jednak nie pozwalajmy by przez to zanikały międzyludzkie relacje czy tradycyjne wartości.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie, 

Jola Lorenz

Wlasciciel obozu Swift Nature Camp


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25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
