

Today four of the nation's leaders and experts in bringing families and nature together, The Nature Conservancy, REI, Children and Nature Network, and ecoAmerica, announced the launch of Nature Rocks – an initiative created to inspire and empower parents across the country to take their families to play, explore and enjoy quality time in nature.

With summer fast approaching, parents are now focused on planning fun, family activities — determining the best activities to keep kids and parents busy and entertained during the summer months. Nature Rocks is an ideal solution to this need, as it has been designed to ensure that all families – regardless of budget, kids' ages or experience – can plan affordable and fun activities in nature that encourage family bonding ......


 Today four of the nation's leaders and experts in bringing families and nature together, The Nature Conservancy, REI, Children and Nature Network, and ecoAmerica, announced the launch of Nature Rocks – an initiative created to inspire and empower parents across the country to take their families to play, explore and enjoy quality time in nature.

With summer fast approaching, parents are now focused on planning fun, family activities — determining the best activities to keep kids and parents busy and entertained during the summer months. Nature Rocks is an ideal solution to this need, as it has been designed to ensure that all families – regardless of budget, kids' ages or experience – can plan affordable and fun activities in nature that encourage family bonding and nurture happier, healthier and smarter children.

As part of its efforts to empower parents to take their kids outside, Nature Rocks introduces its 2009 Summer Nature Staycation Planning Guide. Available at Nature Rocks , this free Guide provides parents and caregivers with information and tools to enjoy no- or low-cost summer vacations in nature that are close to home.

"The benefits of nature for children are fundamental. We have seen tremendous growth in the movement to get children back outside, as parents realize these benefits for their children, and themselves, and spread the word," said Richard Louv, co-founder of The Children & Nature Network and author of the best-seller Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder. "And, as families look for lower cost vacation options, we hope they will discover that nature offers them a personal stimulus package – the joy and cost-effectiveness of summer getaways in nearby nature – saving money while improving the physical and emotional well-being of their children."

"Nature Rocks really speaks to our passion of getting families to recreate together outside," said Sally Jewell, president and CEO of Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI). "By combining efforts with the other organizations behind Nature Rocks, we're able to make a difference and improve the lifestyles of American families by making it easy and fun to get moving and get outdoors."

Whether seeking outdoor activities at local sites such as parks and campsites, or looking for new activities to keep out-of-school kids active in backyards and neighborhoods, the 2009 Summer Nature Staycation Planning Guide offers information and solutions for all families, including those new to spending time outdoors. Additionally, the Nature Rocks website has more than 100 activity recommendations, as well as user-friendly nature finder and social networking tools to assist families in implementing their own Nature Staycations this summer.

"The Nature Conservancy works around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters, and we are dedicated to supporting conservation work that will not only enrich the natural world, but also better our health and our lives," said M. Sanjayan, Lead Scientist at The Nature Conservancy. "Now, working on the Nature Rocks initiative, we're able to help the next generation better their health and reconnect with nature."

"As a working mom with two young children, I appreciate useful ideas that improve my and my family's lives," said Meighen Speiser, Vice President of Marketing for ecoAmerica. "Like all parents, I want what is best for my kids. We enjoy fun and relaxing quality time together. The Nature Rocks website offers loads of easy-to-use tools, tips and over 100 fun activities like nature art, weekend camping, hiking at a nearby park or an impromptu neighborhood nature scavenger hunt. The added bonus is that these activities are either inexpensive or free."
2009 Summer Nature Staycation Planning Guide

The 2009 Summer Nature Staycation Planning Guide provides parents with a useful tool to plan a range of close-to-home activities, complete with great starter ideas and suggestions for families to use during their summer holiday. The Guide has been developed to be helpful to all families across the country – regardless of where they live, their kids' ages, time available, or familiarity with nature, or if they want to do an activity outside or bring nature indoors. 

For some parents they may wish to augment your local Nature with a Traditional Children's Summer Camp experience. Swift Nature Camp is a wonderful way to have children learn more about nature while getting away from all the societal trappings that young people feel defines who they are. To learn more visit Swift Nature Camp online Nature Summer Camps
Swift Nature Camp is a Minnesota Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. We blend traditional Overnight Summer Camp activities while increasing a child's appreciation for nature and the environment at this Science Summer Camp.

In 1969 a Summer Music Concert was created in was called Woodstock. Joe Cocker was there! Today, many years later he is creating Rock for Nature a concert that promotes biodiversity in nature and in our farms.


Wisconsin! When you hear that state mentioned, I'm sure you imagine cows, Harley Davidson motorcycles and the beautiful capitol of Madison. Yet, north of all that is the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Filled with all its natural beauty. In the sky you can see eagles all around swooping down to catch a fish in a nearby lake or stream. If your quiet you might just hear a loon or a wolf in the background. This is what America looked like 100 years ago. Until you experience the simple beauty, you can’t begin to imagine what you will find there. 

Children thrive in Wisconsin Summer Camps.Camp offers your child a chance to...

experience nature unlike any other place in the Midwest. At Swift Nature Camp your child gets the opportunity to play, make friend sand learn new skills, all this in the warm sun of the wonderful northwoods of Wisconsin.

Your child will have an unparalleled experience Camp Nature Swift in Wisconsin. This ACA accredited camp has been teaching lucky children how to have a great summer for over 40 years. Dedicated to the spirit of Ernie Swift the camps goal is to enjoy a traditional summer camp while encouraging children to respect nature and to understand it in a more profound way, Children learn why and how to become good stewards of the environment. It is through direct experience and hands on activities that we inspire kids to be environmentally conscious when they return home. This Kids summer camp is so much more, with their dedication to the environment. It is fun with a purpose.

A Perfect Summer Camps. a Summary.

The children have such a diverse selection of activities at this Wisconsin summer camp that they can barely fit it all in during their stay! From horseback riding and swimming to archery and craft making the time is action packed with fun filled adventure that your child won’t stop talking about. It will be the best summer camp experience for your child. Camp Nature Swift is no exception and even has a special program for those first time campers. Swift Camp is dedicated to the spirit of Naturalist Ernie Swift. The camps goal is to provide a traditional summer camp while encouraging children to respect nature and to understand it in a more profound way, This ACA accredited camp has been helping children have a great summer for over 40 years. 

Our Discovery Program is dedicated to those children going to camp for the first time. This special session is unlike any other overnight camp because it is designed to give additional attention to those children a little reluctant to leave home for their first summer camp experience. Regardless if your child is a first time campers or is experienced at overnight backpacking and canoeing trips your child can attend this camp.

To learn more about picking the best summer camp for your child visitSUMMER CAMP


Jacob here, I will be in the Nature Center this summer teaching you all about the big beautiful outdoors.. I like to fish, hunt and play sports. This is my first summer at camp but at school I’m studying youth programming and camp management. I love being outside and making new friends... ( this is my new friend here in the picture :) It is going to be a great summer!


Hey Parents,

Grab your child's hand and head in to Nature! Any adult who has a personal relationship with nature was once a child, hungry for knowledge and FUN...

Hey Parents,

Grab your child's hand and head in to Nature! Any adult who has a personal relationship with nature was once a child, hungry for knowledge and FUN new experiences outdoors. It is not only a parents desire but their responsibility to foster a love of the outdoors at a young age. This effort, and for some it will be, not only will you be get the two of you to do some physical exercise, but you will also be introducing them to an endless amount of new information about the world around them. Hikes are a wonderful activity at any time of year. Spring offers the first flowers of the season. They may be wild or carefully planted in someone’s back yard. Either way, children enjoy the hunt for new buds and examining the different types of blooms that the season brings. At spring we also see an influx of birds. Younger kids are content to merely watch a bird fly, yet older children can find enjoyment in noting the different characteristics and identifying the breed of the bird they've discovered or even smearing some peanut butter on a pine cone and hanging it from a tree.

In summer, animals of all varieties are most active and easier to spot. Even in the city you can find a few squirrels in the trees. Carry your flower and bird watching activities into summer as well. Don’t forget to keep you feeder full and water in your birdbath.

Most folks do not see Autumn as the season of harvest and reproduction for nature. With a bag in hand start to collect pine cones, acorns, seeds and other items that can be used for crafts or displayed as is. Be sure to have your child identify each and tell you how it might be used in nature. A bouquet of colorful fall leaves is incredibly easy to create and will give your child a constant reminder of the fun they had outdoors.

Winter may not be the most hospitable season for many, nature hikes can still be incredibly rewarding. Try seeding a spot by picking out a specific area and throwing out seeds, bread, apple chunks or bird feed. Upon your return, examine the snow for tracks then determine which animals have been enjoying your feast. If you continue to supply the same area all winter, you will most likely get the chance to see if your guesses were correct before the snow melts. Remember, most animals are nocturnal so go out after school at dusk.

Don't feel the need to be constantly hiking to enjoy the outdoors. You can entertain your child plant a few early blooming flowers and keep the bird feeders full. A budding naturalist will want to check every day and see what’s new. Make sure to give them a journal to record their finds. Younger children may be happier drawing their finds, while an older child will be happy with a disposable camera to commemorate the changes they notice.

Gardening is a wonderful way to get children outdoors. Keep their attention span in mind while planning the size and number of plants, otherwise it will be extra work on your hands. Vegetables like carrots, leaf lettuce and radishes are almost foolproof, But the most rewarding and fun is getting one or two pumpkin for jack o' lanterns.

For most families outdoor activities are most often done in the summer. Yet, for most parents making the time to get out in nature can be a challenge. Camping is a great way to expose kids to nature, but rather than giving yourself the hassle of planning a week-long trip there are some options. First, just set up a tent one morning in the backyard. Cook your meals outside, fly kites and play tag. When it's time for bed, crawl into your tent and tell stories by flashlight. Second, have the pros help you out. Look for a day or an overnight summer camp that specializes in Nature and the outdoors. For many parents this might seem like a whole new area that they might be reluctant to get involved with, but once you do your research you will find that Summer Camp is so much more than just a break from your kids...it’s child development!
To learn more about Summer Camp visit www.summercampadvice.com

Swift Nature Camp is a Wisconsin Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. Our focus is to blend traditional summer camp activities while increasing a child's appreciation for nature, science and the environment. They also have a special “first time at summer camp” program that is dedicated to providing kids a wonderful first time experience.
Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu once said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Start your child on their own thousand mile journey through life today. 

The most important Hint is to remember when looking for things to do in nature is to get OUTSIDE. Almost any indoor activity can be done outside in nature.

Environmental Science Camp was held in early September for the 5th grade class of the Minong and Solen Springs Schools. Over 40 children participated at this event. It has been nearly 20 years since the schools have come out to Swift Nature Camp to have their Science Camp. During the 3 days and 2 nights campers participated in some of
classes just like camp. They had Bart the Wildlife Rescuer come out with his animals as well as the local Fire Department and Cliff the Dog Sled Musher. Additional classes included looking for weevels in the milfoil plus taking out the nest and doing a life cycle of bugs and animals off the fishing dock. Alot of stuff lives there! . One really cool classes offered was a canoe class were kids went out to Picnic Island for a cook out . They even had a guest who did Taxidermy in front of the crowd to a big bass. Each night we had a campfire with all the standard camp songs. it was a great taste of camp life for each of the children , with many of them want to return in the summer... This was much like SNC Camp for First Timers .
National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has issued a health report called Whole Child: Developing Mind, Body and Spirit Through Outdoor Play. The report reveals how America's addiction to time indoors affects our physical and mental health. Reviewed by an independent panel of medical experts, Whole Child explores how...
National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has issued a health report called Whole Child: Developing Mind, Body and Spirit Through Outdoor Play. The report reveals how America's addiction to time indoors affects our physical and mental health. Reviewed by an independent panel of medical experts, Whole Child explores how regular, unstructured outdoor play can boost the health of a child’s mind, body and spirit.
The nature of childhood has changed: There’s not much nature in it. It is not just about a detachment from all things growing and green; it's a public health issue.  In the last twenty years, childhood obesity rates have more than doubled.  In addition to obesity, Whole Child highlights the rising rates of childhood diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, asthma, and vision problems, all of which can be tempered with adequate outdoor time. The United States has become the largest consumer of ADHD medications in the world and the use of antidepressants in pediatric patients has risen sharply. American kids are out of shape, tuned out and stressed out because they’re missing something essential to their health and development, unstructured time playing outdoors.
Whole Child includes recommendations for caregivers, healthcare providers, educators and leaders so that, together, they can change America's indoor habits.  NWF has also created the Be Out There movement to give back to American children what they don’t even know they’ve lost: their connection to the natural world. 
Complete Details
Despite cooler temperatures and most leaves have fallen from the trees allowing those who want to get out and see nature a much better chance for success. However, watch out for hunters as well, several hunting and trapping seasons are underway in Price County, including Ruffed Grouse & other game birds, several small game animals, and White-tailed Deer Bow which continues through November 18 and White-tailed Gun Deer Season begins Saturday, November 20, and continues through Monday, November 28.

Most leaves have fallen from the trees allowing those who want to get out and see nature a much better chance for success. However, watch out for hunters as well, several hunting and trapping seasons are underway in Price County, including Ruffed Grouse & other game birds, several small game animals, and White-tailed Deer Bow which continues through November 18 and White-tailed Gun Deer Season begins Saturday, November 20, and continues through Monday, November 28.

Don't put your fishing gear away just yet, turnover has occurred on the majority of area lakes and  fishing forecasters are predicting record numbers for muskie this fall due to less than optimal conditions for them feeding this summer. Advantages of fall fishing include fewer anglers, no baking in the hot sun, bugs are almost obsolete, fish tend to congregate and are feeding actively all day, plus some of the year's biggest fish are caught now.

Most of you campers knows this furry..not so much guy. Yep it is Apollo the bearded dragon. Some might think he was named after the space program. However, I think it was a Greek God. Currently lives with us but if you would like to adopt him till next summer give us an email and we can work it out. Want to learn more about Apollo...click below
Apollo is depicted as a beardless young man (ephebe). His attributes are the tripod, omphalos, lyre, bow and arrows, laurel, hawk, raven or crow, swan, fawn, roe, snake, mouse, grasshopper, and griffin.
Although often associated with the sun, Apollo was not originally a sun god. In Homer, Apollo is god of prophecy and plagues. He is also a warrior in the 
Trojan War. [Gods in the Iliad shows which side the gods favored.] Elsewhere Apollo is also a god of healing and the arts -- especially music (Apollo taught Orpheus to play the lyre) -- archery, agriculture . His arrows could send plague, as happens in the Iliad Book I.
Summer school, all-year academic school, summer sports programs, and electronic media have become the elements of children’s summer activity in recent years. Children are kept occupied with indoor play activities. The playground has come indoors and narrowed in focus. The flickering light of computer monitors and handheld game screens has replaced sunlight and fresh air.

Modern times have come to call for change in the way we prepare our children to live life in the world they will inherit. Our kids simply must find a way to reconnect with our natural environment as they grow up. The global effort to restore ecological balance will need aware participants at every level. Environmental awareness always begins with a personal sense of connection to nature.

Parents can bring back awareness of nature to a child’s experience. Summer camp has been around since the 1920’s and is still an effective way to bring back balance to a child’s life. Trained staff members of modern summer camps can guide kids back into an alliance with nature through the pure fun of camp activities. The challenges of summer camp activities are fun rather than stressful, making them even more effective for learning how we are a part of nature.

Most directors of quality modern summer camps have developed policies that encourage camper experience that reconnects the camper to nature without sacrificing the great fun and memorable friendships that are the classic benefits of summer camp. One such policy is simple and sweeping: beginning by not permitting cellular phones, BlackBerries, pagers, radios, iPods, cassette or CD players, laser pens, TVs, Game Boys or digital cameras. Children forget that life is possible without these ubiquitous accessories. Not including them in the camp experience brings children a revelation: they find out that they can actually have fun and enjoy themselves living without those things.

A camp that combines traditional camp activities such as hiking, canoe trips and horseback riding with modern ways for campers to learn about nature will succeed in instilling environmental awareness in campers. Learning is potentially much more effective because it is associated with fun and friendships.

Summer camps have added modern awareness of health and nutrition to the established means of meeting physical needs such as good hygiene, exercise, and teamwork. Modern summer camps can offer a healthy menu that still includes foods that kids enjoy. A salad bar at lunch and dinner that includes a choice of fresh vegetables and salads is an example of this. Vegetarian meals should be made available to campers who have that preference. Fresh fruit can be made available all day for snacks. Nutrition is a part of a modern summer camp’s “green” approach to total wellness that includes providing means to develop of a camper’s positive self esteem, build friendships, and promote having FUN.

When they are discussing a possible choice of a camp with a camp’s directors, parents should ask about the sustainability of that camp’s own day-to-day ecological practices. How do they conserve energy and water and recycle? What is the camp doing to take responsibility for its own environmental footprint?  Learning is a combination of information and participation. If a summer camp’s practices don’t reflect their talk, campers aren't going to absorb important messages about their own relationship with nature. Summer camps are becoming aware of the effects they are having on their immediate environment. Camp directors should be looking at the big picture and showing care for the earth as well as their campers.
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25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
