
Camp is so different than home because often at school children hangout with kids that are homogeneous. Thats right all the same, same age, same gender, same community and more. Opportunities to make friends are not much more than others in class or down the block. However, at Swift Nature Camp kids get an opportunity to spend time with others, both younger and older and from different parts of the country or world. It is interesting how often the older teens become natural leaders for the younger kids, by “adopting them”.Not only is this true with campers but also for counselors as well. Our staff are generally college aged folks studying to be teachers. They truly look at SNC as a learning opportunity. They are camper centered making them great role models for todays youth. Then consider the SENIOR staff at camp...the oldsters do round out a super community which entices children to make new friends. 

So when you are thinking about camp it is easy to think about all the activities. However, Summer Camp is so much more! Children’s summer camp is more like the real world, the social benefits of this multiage, multicultural experience are significant. 
Research has shown getting children ready for multiage, multicultural world only helps them be more successful in life. Camp provides less competitiveness making it much easier to make and keep your summer camp friends.

Ask any camper what makes Swift Nature Camp so special and they will tell you it’s “the new camp friends”. But ask them why any? And they will tell you it’s because they accept me for who I am often unlike my friends at home. I can do stuff at camp that I can never tell my friends back home about.


This year we are so excited that our pottery program will get a blast at camp.  Our new Arts & Crafts Director Laura has years of experience in pottery and working with clay. So this year more than ever before we hope to see campers sculpting, and working on the wheel and kiln firing all those projects. All this means that there are going to be wonderful projects coming out of the ARTS & CRAFTS CASTLE this summer. Stuff like sculpted animals, multi-colored tiles, giant coil pots, and delicate wheel-thrown cups and bowls.
Let nature be a part of your clay work by taking a smooth slab of clay and press natural forms into it so that they leave intricate textures. You know, acorns, twigs, leaves, and tree bark, they all leave amazing patterns. then this can be turned in to a vase or some other vessel or just a fired the way it is.
Swift Nature Camp’s 
summer pottery program is going to be one of our most exciting programs in the summer of 2009.  There’s almost an endless variety of pottery projects to make which you can take back to home your family and friends.



Swift nature Camp is so much more than FUN. Our tree of Values helps campers concentrate on the importance of group living skills. The life skills that are so important to yourself and to others. The tree has 12 branches that include: Responsibility, Persistence, Honesty, Enthusiasm and a host of others. Nation wide there is a program called Character Counts. This is our program and each day we use these values. But it’s when we focus on them and keep them in the forefront of our daily life that it helps us make good choices. Daily we might see these values as you help another camper carry a hiking pack or maybe as you forgive a camper that touched your stuff. Swift Nature Camp, like life has many opportunities to use the SNC tree of values. After all camp is just a little piece of life that you will never forget.

When Swift Campers think of camp they think of playing outdoors in Nature but they automatically think of the animals in our camp zoo and Nature Center. Our campers are crazy for critters and nature and critters. Not only do we have animals at camp we have guest speakers bring in some animals to camp that we all can appreciate. We have lots of animal related activities and offer the opportunity to interact with animals. Plus, you can even bring your own pet from home. How cool is that? An animal camp that lets you bring your own pets!


So you are thinking a bout summer amp for your child. GREAT!
Here are the top 10 questions to ask a summer camp director. This list was compiled by the American Camp Association.

1. What's the camp's philosophy?

Is it one you're comfortable with? Is it a good match for your child? Is competition or cooperation emphasized? If it's a camp run by a religious organization, what religious observances or practices are part of the program? If you're looking at a sports ...
So you are thinking a bout summer amp for your child. GREAT!
Here are the top 10 questions to ask a summer camp director. This list was compiled by the American Camp Association.


1. What's the camp's philosophy?

Is it one you're comfortable with? Is it a good match for your child? Is competition or cooperation emphasized? If it's a camp run by a religious organization, what religious observances or practices are part of the program? If you're looking at a sports camp that touts an affiliation with a celebrity athlete, how much time--if any--will the sports star actually spend there?

2. How does the camp recruit, screen and train its staff?

Do counselors have criminal background checks? First aid training? Drug Testing?

3. What about return rates?

How many counselors are returning this year? The ACA says at most camps, 50 percent of the staff returns. If the number you're given is lower, ask why. How many campers return? Fifty percent is good, and more is better.

4. What's the ratio of counselors to campers?

ACA guidelines for overnight camps call for a 1:6 ratio for ages 7 and 8, 1:8 for ages 9-14; and 1:10 for ages 15-18. Day camp guidelines call for 1:8 for children ages 6-8; 1:10 for children ages 9-14; and 1:12 for ages 15-18.

5. How old are the counselors?

The ACA recommends that 80 percent of the staff be 18 or older and that all staffers be at least 16 and a minimum of two years older than the campers they supervise.

6. What medical staff work at the camp and what backup facilities are nearby?

The ACA recommends that an overnight camp have a licensed physician or registered nurse on the site every day, and that day camps should have direct phone access. If your child takes medication, has food allergies or a chronic medical condition, be sure you are comfortable that the camp will be able to handle your child's needs.

7. How does the camp handle conflicts and Discipline?

Find out what the camp's rules are and what breaches would result in a camper being sent home. You should be comfortable that the camp's practices are in line with your parenting practices.

8. What does a typical daily schedule look like?

This will help you decide if your child will be happy with the level of physical activity or the amount of time devoted to arts and crafts. Ask how much freedom a child has to choose activities.

9. Will the camp be transporting the children?

What vehicles are used and how often are they inspected? Who drives them and what training do drivers have?

10. Ask for references.

Finally and most important, get the names of parents with children the same age who have attended the camp. 
To get even more information on how to create a super summer camp experience click 
Finding a Summer Camp

On our recent trip to Swift Nature Camp we had a chance to meet up with Tom Nilcen aka SUPER TOM.
Most of the campers know him as the kind , friendly caretaker at SNC. Yet, Tom is so much more, he is always willing to help. A day never goes by when he doesn’t help someone. But one thing that most do not know is he is a jokester! Thats right he love to play pranks at camp. So if you happen to see something a little out of place and it brings a smile to your face, chances are its Tom. Swift is so fortunate to have a wonderful guy like him at camp. This will be his 9th summer at Swift Nature Camp and next to camp the thing he loves most is being in the Northwoods on his winter sled!


When most folks think of Camp they think of warm sunny days and long swims out to Sally the water slide. However, the northwoods of Wisconsin only boast of these traits a few short month per year. Recently, we went to camp and were lucky enough to take plenty of photos. Our first day was a balmy 17 and we woke to a -4 temp that day, yet, it was clear and sunny. The next day we had snow nearly 4 inches and it was a wonderful time for making snow angles, sledding and going out in our PANTHER, thats right a 1971 snowmobile. Here is Lonnie and Forrest doing their best at the Team Course. To see more photos click below...can you identify all the areas?
When most folks think of Camp they think of warm sunny days and long swims out to sally the water slide. However the northwoods of Wisconsin onnl boast of these traits a few short month per year. Recently we went to camp and were lucky enough to take these photos. Our first day was a balmy 17 and we woke to a -4 temp that day, yet, it was clear and sunny. The next day we had snow nearly 4 inches and it was a wonderful time for making snow angles, sledding and going out in our PANTHER thats right a 1971 snowmobile. Here is Lonnie and Forrest doing their best at the Team Course....can you identify all the areas?

Lake that camp is situated on is known for its good fishing. Just ask a few of the campers that used their skills this summer to get a few of the pike, bass or pan fish in the lake. However, winter is another time to go fishing, for some they say its the best. They build a little house put it on skis and take it out on to the lake. Look closely and you will see a fishing shack pictured out near picnic island.. Then drill a hole in the ice and wait for the fish to come. On the day we were there, fishing was taking place but we saw no whoppers leave this shack...better luck next time!


Swift Nature Camp is known for our eagles. Daily we see eagles in the air, in nests and even swooping down to catch a fish in the lake. But how many knew that once it started to get a little colder and the lake freezes over these eagles migrate south in search of food. They as a pair fly south often along the Mississippi River and finally settle on a winter home in Florida.. Cant say that these birds are dumb! Well after we had a camp show in Minneapolis last week we saw plenty of eagles beginning their flight Northbound. So i can surely tell you we will have American Bald Eagles again this summer at Swift Nature Camp. And that is a wonderful opportunity for all of us at Swift.


Now is the time for all of us to be thinking Summer and CAMP. As our hearts turn to the warm days and clear skys of the Northwoods you probably are wondering :what does the Camp shirt of 2009 look like?”
Well now you can Vote to help make it come true. At the time of this writing the “tree” shirt was in the lead. So 


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25 Baybrook Ln.

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Phone: 630-654-8036



W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.

Minong, WI 54859

Phone: 715-466-5666
